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Article Cyber Insurance as a Means of Enforcement of Economic Law Enforcement in the Information Sphere: Concepts, Mechanism and Conditions of Implementation

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Business Law and Business Process Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0001-9974-3637 Researcher ID:



Doctor of Law, Associate Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine)  ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0003-4549-7201 Researcher ID:

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2021
Pages 13 - 29

The relevance of the study is due to the current level of manifestation of the negative consequences of cyber threats in the field of management, insufficient functional potential of traditional means of ensuring economic order in overcoming cyber risks.

In recent years, in Ukraine, similarly to most countries with developed economies, cyber insurance has been actively used to solve these problems.

The lack of proper legal regulation of cyber insurance activities in Ukraine, along with repeated attempts by insurers to introduce cyber risk insurance offers on the insurance services market within other, often incompatible types of insurance, also increase the relevance of the selected issues.

 The purpose of this article is to study the concept, mechanism and conditions of cyber insurance as a means of ensuring economic order in the information sphere, formulating some proposals to improve Ukrainian legislation on relevant issues, as well as identifying areas for further research on this type of insurance.

Within the article, the authors formulate the definition of “cyber insurance”, provide a detailed description of the tasks of the remedy, which it denotes. On this basis, cyber insurance is analyzed as a means of legal and economic protection of participants in economic relations from cyber risks and their consequences, as well as in terms of the type of economic activity. Based on such scientific and legal positions, the authors analyzed in detail the elements of the mechanism of cyber insurance, identified elements of insurance relations in this area, including the insurer, the insured, the object and content of cyber insurance.

Considerable attention is paid to cyber threats in the meaning of insured events, the main approaches to their scientific classification are considered, the main types of illegal acts that cause cyber risks are identified. Along with this, the authors of the article analyzed the content and essence of the property interests of insurers against cyber risks, described the main types of losses that are subject to compensation under cyber insurance contracts. In addition, the subject of special attention within the article were cyber insurance contracts, insurance programs as a means of implementing the mechanism of cyber insurance, identified their essential conditions and requirements for the parties.

The conclusions of the study identified areas for further improvement of Ukrainian legislation in the field of cyber insurance, characterized the legal requirements that insurers must meet for these activities. Along with this, the authors offer specific recommendations for determining the amount of insurance indemnity under cyber insurance contracts, suggested ways to strengthen the legal significance of cyber insurance in the system of economic law enforcement.


Keywords economic law and order; information sphere; cyber threat; cyber risk; cyber insurance; insurer; insured



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