Article | Private Law Remedies to Deter Crime in Germany and Ukraine |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2021 |
Pages | 188 - 201 |
Annotation | One of the legal problems is lack of research on the nature, structure and development of application of private law remedies, which prevent offences, based on materials of Germany and Ukraine. Scientific uncertainty restrains the use of these means for regulation of civil turnover, protection of rights of citizens and strengthening the rule of law. The purpose of the article is a comparative research of private law remedies, which prevent offences, on the materials of Germany and Ukraine in order to prove the legality of their expansion in the Ukrainian context. The results of the research show that in Germany and in the USA, the use of private law remedies for prevention of offences is increasing. In Ukraine, the doctrine, legislation and judicial practice do not support it. Preventive redress is hindered by the lack of such practice, which exists in Germany. The structure of private law remedies is conventionally defined by two main directions of their use. They are the involvement of an increasing number of natural and legal persons on private law principles in prevention and the use of rules of private law in prevention (including in public legal acts). Private law remedies – compensation for damages, introduction of various types of private law controls, involvement of private services and the private sector in general in certain public functions – correspond to the nature of private law and are applied in accordance with its principles. Interpenetration of remedies enhances preventive measures and does not change the existing inter-branch balance.
Keywords | private law; use of remedies; prevention of offences; interaction |
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