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Article The Parties of the Insurance Contract and the Features of Their Legal Personality

Doctor of Law, Assistant Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department for Integration of Academic and University Legal Science and Development of Legal Education Kyiv Regional Center of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:  Scopus Author ID: 57212620558


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2021
Pages 72 - 88

Despite the regulation of insurance relations by domestic legislation, there are still some gaps in it that impede the proper use of the institution of insurance to protect the property interests of participants, in connection with which attention from both scientists and the legislator requires the settlement of the legal status of participants of insurance relation and determining their place in such a relations.

The purpose of the article is to research the legal status of the parties of an insurance contract, analyze existing approaches to its definition, establish the features of the legal personality of the parties of an insurance contract and provide proposals for further improving legislation in this area.

 A characteristic feature of an insurance contract, as an independent type of civil legal obligations within a group of contracts for the provision of services, is that the conclusion of insurance contracts is directly the subject of activity of specially authorized participants in civil relations – insurance organizations (insurers). In the insurance contractual relations on the side of the insurer, there can only be a legal entity that is endowed with the ability to carry out insurance activities only after obtaining a special permit (license), which indicates that legal entities – insurers have a special legal personality. An insurance organization is endowed with the general legal capacity of a legal entity with a special scope of capacity as a financial institution.

The customer of the insurance service – the insured under the insurance contract may be a capable individual or a legal entity that has an insurable interest, that is, an interest in non-occurrence of an insured event. Taking into account the significant role of the insurable interest in the emergence and existence of insurance contractual relations, there is substantiated the expediency of providing at the legislative level the loss of the insurance interest of the insured (insured person) as one of the grounds for terminating the personal insurance contract and civil liability insurance contract, which does not foresee the possibility of transferring insurance protection to another person. At the same time, the termination of the existence of the insurance interest of the insured under the property insurance contract cannot be the ground for the termination of the relevant contract.

The unprofessional status of the insured and the asymmetry of the parties to the insurance contract make it possible to consider insured – individuals as consumers ofinsurance services and, accordingly, to combine the issues of exercising and protecting their rights with the exercise and protection of consumer rights. In this regard, it has been established that the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Consumer Rights” in the part not regulated by insurance legislation can be applied to insurance contractual relations with the participation of an individual as a consumer.

It is proposed to consider the consumer of insurance services not only a capable individual who concludes an insurance contract with the insurer, but also an individual, in the interests and in favor of whom the insurance contract is concluded, and who receives the insurance service necessary to meet personal needs not directly related to entrepreneurial activity of this individual or their performance of the duties of an employee.


Keywords insurance contract; parties of the contract; insurer; insured; legal personality of the parties; legal capacity; capacity; rights and duties


Authored books

1. Milovska N, Dohovirni zobov’iazannia zi strakhuvannia u tsyvilnomu pravi Ukrainy: problemy teorii ta praktyky (2019) (in Ukrainian).

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Journal articles

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9. Milovska N, ‘Korporatyvni vidnosyny u sferi vzaiemnoho strakhuvannia’ (2017) 5–2 Pravo i suspilstvo 84 (in Ukrainian).

10. Milovska N, ‘Sub’iektnyi sklad dohovirnykh zobov’iazan zi strakhuvannia’ (2017) 2–1 Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu 90 (in Ukrainian).

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Conference papers

14. Kharytonov Ye, Kharytonova O, ‘Aktualni problemy tsyvilnoi pravosub’iektnosti uchasnykiv informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh vidnosyn’ v Aktualni problemy pryvatnoho prava: materialy XVII nauk.-prakt.konf., prysviach. 97-i richnytsi z dnia narodzh. dok. yuryd. nauk, prof. V. Maslova (Pravo 2019) 128 (in Ukrainian).

15. Slipchenko S, ‘Pravozdatnist yurydychnoi osoby ta litsenzuvannia yii vydiv diialnosti’ v Aktualni problemy pryvatnoho prava: materialy XVII nauk.-prakt.konf., prysviach. 97-i richnytsi z dnia narodzh. dok. yuryd. nauk, prof. V. Maslova (Pravo 2019) 113 (in Ukrainian).

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17. Cherniak O, ‘Tsyvilno-pravovyi status spozhyvacha u konteksti adaptatsii zakonodavstva Ukrainy do zakonodavstva Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk 2011) (in Ukrainian).

18. Michurin Ye, ‘Obmezhennia mainovykh prav fizychnykh osib (tsyvilno-pravovyi aspekt)’ (dys d-ra yuryd nauk 2009) (in Ukrainian).

19. Milovska N, ‘Teoretychni zasady tsyvilno-pravovoho rehuliuvannia dohovirnykh vidnosyn zi strakhuvannia’ (dys dok yuryd nauk 2019) (in Ukrainian).

20. Sherhunova E, ‘Hrazhdansko-pravovoe polozhenye osnovnykh uchastnykov strakhovykh otnoshenyi (dys kand yuryd nauk 2013) (in Russian).


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