Article | The Right to Protection as a Guarantee of the Exercise of the Rights and Freedoms of Human and Citizens (on the Example of the Right to Judicial Protection) |
Authors |
Applicant of the Department of Constitutional Law of Ukraine, Yaroslav Mudryi National University of Law, Assistant of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative, Environmental and Labor Law of Poltava Law Institute Yaroslav Mudryi National University of Law (Poltava, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2021 |
Pages | 199 - 210 |
Annotation | The article reveals the right to protection as a guarantee of the exercise of the rights and freedoms of human and citizens. Two main types of guarantees are analyzed – general (economic, political, and organizational) and special (legal) guarantees. The author demonstrates the features of judicial protection, which is a necessary and effective guarantee of the exercise of human and civil rights and freedoms. Theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of “guarantees of rights” have been studied and it has been established that their separation from rights is impossible. The author concludes that all human and civil rights that are not provided with the necessary means of protection will become a declaration in case of violation. One of the key features of the right to protection of one’s rights has been proved, which is that it is both an independent right and a guarantee of realization of other rights. It is established that this feature allows considering the right to protection using two approaches – instrumental (based on the understanding of the right to protection as a guarantee of the existing catalogue of human rights and freedoms) and essential (based on the perception of the right to protection as an independent human right). The article reveals that only both approaches (instrumental and essential) allow to effectively ensure the exercise of human and civil rights and freedoms – when the right to protection will guarantee the achievement of certain benefits, but its violation even when achieving such benefits is unacceptable.
Keywords | right to protection; guarantees of protection; guarantees of law; judicial protection; the right to a fair trial |
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