Article | The Impact of International Treaties and Rulings of The European Court of Human Rights on Ukrainian Forensic Science Development |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, professor of Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Medicine National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID: Scopus ID 57210585918
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2021 |
Pages | 77 - 90 |
Annotation | Development of Ukrainian legal system is aimed at integration into global and European community. Nowadays forensic science is in the process of active transformation with innovative tools, methods and techniques involved to solve problems. International treaties recognized as binding by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, rulings of the European Court of Human Rights are part of domestic criminal procedure system and a new source to ensure the evolution of forensic science. This paper highlights the features of the impact made by state development integration processes on forensic science, in particular – the impact of international treaties and rulings of the European Court of Human Rights on forensic science development in Ukraine. Research results demonstrate that international treaties and ECHR rulings determine the formation of theoretical, methodological, legal, praxeological basis of forensic science. One of the manifestations of such impact is the development and practical implementation of forensic tools, methods and techniques to investigate criminal offenses, formation of forensic practical “tools” based on international and European experience. Interpretation of Ukrainian international treaties and ECHR rulings allowed to identify the following impact areas for these sources (development of forensic science, development and practical implementation of forensic tools, methods and techniques: ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms; investigation of criminal offenses based on the best international and European experience; increasing the effectiveness implementing international cooperation measures within criminal proceedings; ensuring effective investigation and consideration of cases related international crimes. It is concluded that the formation of theoretical and methodological basis of forensic science, taking into account the provisions of international treaties and ECHR rulings, is important for further forensic research performance, it determines the content of practical law enforcement activities, establishes conditions for development of effective forensic recommendations for law enforcement staff. Compliance with international treaties and ECHR rulings determines the admissibility of forensic tools, methods and techniques, and is a source of its transformation and improvement.
Keywords | international treaty; ECHR rulings; forensic science; sources; forensic recommendations |
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