Article | The Role of Criminalistics Investigation Methodology in the Formation of the Doctrine of Criminalistic Science |
Authors |
Doctor of Laws, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Criminalistic of the National University "Odessa Law Academy" (Odesa, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2021 |
Pages | 91 - 103 |
Annotation | The aim of the article is to clarify the mutual influence of the theory of criminalistic and the theoretical foundations of criminalistic methodology and the role of the latter in the formation of the criminalistics doctrine. It is noted that criminalistic methodology is an integral part of criminalistic, and therefore solves its problems in line with the overall purpose of criminalistic science: knowledge and further practical use of knowledge about the patterns of crime, the mechanism of its reflection in media, the organization of search and cognitive activities. develops technologies, methods and tools for detecting and investigating criminal offenses. It is emphasized that the theoretical provisions of criminalistic methodology of investigation are based on a number of general principles of criminalistic, which include: 1) separation of two interrelated objects of criminalistic analysis – crime (criminal activity) and investigation (investigative activity); 2) research of the specified objects from positions of activity, system, functional, technological, heuristic and information approaches; 3) understanding the essence of the investigation as an informational and cognitive activity. Cognitive, informational and organizational-managerial aspects of investigative activity in the light of the mentioned principles of criminalistic are singled out, whichsignificantly influences the understanding of the content and tasks of criminalistic methodology, development of theoretically substantiated practical recommendations on optimal organization of investigation of certain categories of offenses. It is noted that criminalistic methodology not only uses general and individual criminalistic teachings and theories, but itself develops its own theoretical foundations, which are a systematic scientific formation, which reflects the purpose, objectives, essence and specific elements of criminalistic methodology. It is pointed out that certain theoretical provisions, concepts and categories that emerged in criminalistic methodology (forensic classification, criminalistic characterization of crimes, typical investigative situations, etc.) over time began to be considered as separate theories of criminalistic. The purpose of the theoretical provisions of the criminalistic methodology of crimes is to create a theoretical basis, which forms a system of scientific approaches and principles of construction of individual methods of investigation of different levels and conditions of their application in practice. The tasks of criminalistic methodology are considered: 1) development of principles of formation of separate methods of investigation; 2) development of recommendations for their adaptation and application in the investigation of specific criminal offenses; 3) development of recommendations for the construction of methods of investigation in criminal proceedings in the absence of scientific methods for the investigation of the relevant category of criminal offenses. It is noted that under the condition of correct definition of the principles of scientific formation of separate methods it is expedient to create a general (basic) model of criminalistic methodology of investigation. Specific principles of formation of separate criminological methods which are marked by concrete-methodical, pragmatic and programmed orientation are resulted and substantiated. The system of principles of adaptation of separate techniques to a concrete case of investigation of a criminal offense is offered. It is noted that it is advisable to distinguish between the strategic and tactical level of the investigation, which gives it a systematic and technological, allows you to clearly identify the final and intermediate, general and local tasks, as well as ways to solve them. In this sense, criminalistic methodology can be considered as a strategy of investigation. It is concluded that the criminalistic methodology of investigation as the final section of forensics synthesizes all its scientific achievements in order to create a system of effective recommendations for the investigation of criminal offenses. It also plays a significant role in shaping the doctrinal provisions of criminalistic, enriching and developing its theory, transforming and putting them into practice in the investigation of various types and forms of criminal offenses.
Keywords | criminalistic methods of investigation; doctrine of criminalistic; theoretical provisions of criminalistic methodology; tasks and principles of formation of criminalistic methodology; basic model of investigation methodology; investigation strategy and tactics |
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