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Article Non-Verbal Information in Criminalistics: Doctrinal Basics

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of Criminalistics National University "Odessa Law Academy" (Odessa, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2021
Pages 104 - 113

The article is devoted to the use of nonverbal information in criminalistics. The relevance of such a study is that the already developed basics of using nonverbal information in criminalistics are sufficient to develop their doctrinal basics, theoretically justifying such integration, increasing the role and importance of such basics in practice. It is emphasized that the development of doctrinal basics of nonverbal information has such theoretical directions as the definition and characterization basics of nonverbal information in criminalistics (theory) and the formation of scientific provisions for the perception and use of nonverbal information in criminal proceedings.

The generalization of modern criminalistics knowledge about the position of nonverbal information in criminal proceedings is carried out. The stages of formation of scientific approaches to the development of the problem related to the study of nonverbal information in three areas, as psychological, criminal procedural and criminalistics. It is emphasized that the following two types of non-verbal information are developed and used in criminalistics: non-verbal information that is available in the material situation (environment nonverbal information); anthropogenetic nonverbal information coming from the appearance of a participant in a criminally relevant event (in statics) and anthropogenetic functional manifestations of feelings, thoughts in the form of facial expressions, gestures, body movements, speech, gaze, expressed and perceived during the communicative process (in dynamics).

The principles of using nonverbal information in criminalistics are determined: a retrospective approach to the study of nonverbal manifestations; unity of activity andconsciousness of the person; taking into account the relationship of physical and mental manifestations in deciphering nonverbal communication; taking into account the twodimensional manifestations of verbal and nonverbal behavior.

Doctrinal basics of using nonverbal information in criminal proceedings have been formed. The significance of the doctrinal development of the use of nonverbal information in criminology at the theoretical and practical levels is revealed. It is determined that the purpose of the doctrine is to intensify the use of non-verbal information in criminalistics, which contributes to improving the practice of combating crime. It is concluded that the subject of scientific knowledge of these principles is environmental nonverbal information and manifestations of anthropogenic nonverbal information of persons involved in a criminally relevant event at the level of criminal activity and activity in the field of criminal proceedings. The introduction of new scientific categories into doctrinal circulation (“anthropogenic nonverbal information”, “environmental nonverbal information”, “verification”, “validation”, “verbalization”) is proposed.


Keywords nonverbal information, anthropogenic nonverbal information; environmental nonverbal information


Authored books

1. Boas F, Anthropology and modern life (1928) (in English).

2. Malinovski B. Scientific Theory of Culture (The University of North Carolina Press 1990) (in English).

3. Filippova N, Vstup do prykladnoi linhvistyky. Modeliuvannia u movi: тavchalnyi posibnyk (NUK 2004) (in Ukrainian).

4. Jagunova E, Jeksperiment v psiholingvistike: konspekt lekcij i metodicheskie rekomendacii: uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov (Ostrov 2005) (in Russian).

5. Kocherhan M, Zahalne movoznavstvo: pidruchnyk dlia stud. filol. spets. vuziv (Akademiia 1999) (in Ukrainian).

6. Lohunova M, Lashkina M, Hvozdyk P, Alieksieiev A, Komunikatsii sudovoi vlady: naukovo-praktychnyi posibnyk (Natsionalna shkola suddiv Ukrainy 2012) (in Ukrainian).

7. Seheda S, Antropolohiia: navchalnyi posibnyk (Lybid 2001) (in Ukrainian).

 8. Udalova L, Teoriia i praktyka otrymannia verbalnoi informatsii v kryminalnomu protsesi Ukrainy (Palyvoda A V 2005) (in Ukrainian).


Edited and translated books

9. Malinovskij B, Nauchnaja teorija kul’tury (per s angl, 2-e izd, ispr, OGI 2005) (in Russian).

10. Eksperymentalni metody v psykholinhvistytsi: metodychni vkazivky do naukovoho seminaru “Osnovy psykholinhvistyky” dlia studentiv IV kursu dennoi formy navchannia spetsialnosti “Prykladna linhvistyka” (Halunova N ukl, KhNU imeni V N Karazina 2015) (in Ukrainian).




Journal articles

11. Harris M, ‘Division of anthropology: adaptation in biological and cultural science’ [1960] 23 (1) II Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences 59–65 (in English).

12. Sukhonos V, Zvirko O, ‘Komunikatyvnyi aspekt obvynuvalnoi promovy u sudovykh debatakh’ (2012) 9 Visnyk prokuratury 86–92 (in Ukrainian).

13. Potapenko Y, ‘Liudska tilesnist yak fundamentalna katehoriia kulturno-antropolohichnykh studii’ (2013) 39 Etnichna istoriia narodiv Yevropy 11–6 (in Ukrainian).

14. Holubovska I, ‘Antropolohichna linhvistyka i klasychni movy: mozhlyvosti doslidzhennia’ (2010) 122 Visnyk Lvivskoho nats. un-tu. Ser. inozemni movy 14–9 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

15. Vashchuk O, ‘Doktrynalne napratsiuvannia vykorystannia antropodzherelnoi neverbalnoi informatsii v kryminalnomu provadzhenni’ v Kryminalistyka ta sudova ekspertolohiia: nauka, navchannia, praktyka. Materialy 14 mizhnar. Konhresu, t 1 (Helvetyka 2018) (in Ukrainian). Theses 16. Danyliuk I, ‘Stanovlennia etnichnoi psykholohii yak haluzi naukovoho znannia istorykoteoretychnyi vymir’ (dys d-ra psykhol nauk, 2010) (in Ukrainian).

17. Mudrak I, ‘Komunikatyvnyi protses v sudovykh debatakh u kryminalnomu sudochynstvi Ukrainy’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2011) (in Ukrainian).

18. Semenov V, ‘Processual’nye i kriminalisticheskie problemy ispol’zovanija neverbal’noj informacii pri rassledovanii prestuplenij’ (dis kand jurid nauk, 2003) (in Russian).

19. Vashchuk O, ‘Antropodzherelna neverbalna informatsiia v kryminalnomu prova d zhenni: kryminalistychni zasady’ (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2018) (in Ukrainian).


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