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Article Principle of Fairness in the Regulation of Consumer Agreements in the Civil Law of Ukraine
Hanna Kolisnykova

Phd in Law, Associate professor, Associate professor department civil law 2 Yaroslav Mudriy National law university (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Evgeniya Tupytska

Phd in Law, Associate professor, Associate professor department civil law 2 Yaroslav Mudriy National law university (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2021
Pages 57 - 65

The principles of civil law of Ukraine are the guiding norms that determine the content and directions of legal regulation of this industry, including consumer agreements. One of the fundamental principles is good faith as a guideline for determining the limits of proper conduct of the parties to consumer relations, their mutual rights and obligations, including those not expressly provided by law, the contract. The impact of good faith on the dispositive nature of consumer relations, freedom of expression and will of the parties require in-depth research in the context of the rapid growth of consumer contracts and the dynamic development of consumer relations at the present stage, especially given the remarkable development of technology.

The purpose of the article is to analyze scientific approaches to the principle of good faith, as well as to clarify its importance in civil law regulation of contractual obligations in Ukraine, in particular in the field of consumer law, study the role of good faith and derivative categories in consumer contracts. Based on the obtained results, make scientifically substantiated proposals for improving the existing mechanism to ensure the functioning of the principle of good faith in the law of relations between the consumer and the seller (manufacturer, performer).

The article is devoted to the principle of good faith as one of the fundamental in the civil law of Ukraine. The concept of “good faith” is analyzed in detail, as well as its components. Particular attention is paid to the criteria of good behavior of participants in consumer contracts. Derived from the principle of good faith in the legislation of Ukraine categories relating to the regulation of consumer contracts. It is proposed to improve the current legislation on more accurate and complete coverage of the legal regulation of consumer contracts in the light of the fundamental principle – good faith.

Remains Leading in the performance of the parties’ consumer obligations. In this regard, further research is needed on the potential of this framework for future types of consumer contracts.


Keywords consumer contract; principle of good faith; consumer


Edited books

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Journal article

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Conference papers

7. Borysova V, ‘Bazovi pryntsypy tsyvilnoho prava Ukrainy’ v Materialy shchorich noi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi svitlii pam’iati Oleksandra Anatoliiovycha Pushkina “Problemy tsyvilnoho prava ta protsesu” (Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet vnutrishnikh sprav 2018) 12–5 (in Ukrainian).



8. Haro H, Bobak O, ‘Nepoimenovani dohovory: holovne – vyznachyty pravyla hry’ (Zakon i Biznes, 10.11.2017) < dogovori_golovne_viznachiti_pravila_gri.html> (accessed: 08.09.2021) (in Ukrainian).

9. Prokopenko V, ‘Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar do st. 3 Tsyvilnoho kodeksu Ukrainy’ <> (accessed: 08.09.2021) (in Ukrainian).


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