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Article Civil, Family and Criminal Law in the Aspect of Children’s Rights Protection: an Intersectoral Approach

Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine e-mail:



Doctor of Law, Associate Professor  Professor of National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Private Law Department e-mail: ORCID:



Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Leading Researcher, Scientific-Research Institute for Private Law and Entrepreneurship Named After Academician F.G. Burchak, National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, e-mail: ORCID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2022
Pages 42 - 58

The article contains analysis of problematic topics of protection of the rights of the child in civil and criminal law. It is stressed that the best interests of the child should be a primary consideration in all actions concerning children regardless whether undertaken by public or private institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, dealing with issues of social security. In decisions regarding children their most favorable interests must have the highest priority. In the meantime, the best interests of a child, depending on importance and nature of those interests, may overweight the interests of parents. The author of the article identifies some landmarks in appropriate furnishing of evidences in pre-trial investigation and eventually in judicial hearings of cases on persistent failure to pay contributions (alimony) for support of children.

Based upon systematical approach, it is emphasized on inadvisability of provision within article 164 of Criminal Code of Ukraine of such feature as “persistent failure”. The child has right for appropriate maintenance and upbringing by parents.

Thus, the very fact of non-fulfilment of judgement on contribution for support of children is direct violation of child’s rights as natural rights, and therefore persistency does not matter in case of failure to fulfill those rights. It is worth to reduce the term of overdue from 2 months to one month. As a result, the constitutional principle of equality before law will be preserved, because the child is a human too, and alimony is his or her source of livelihood (sometimes the only source). It is stated in conclusion that failure to pay contributions (alimony) for support of children is persistent failure, since it is intended on non-fulfilling of the judgement (the fulfillment of the judgement should be in full, not partial), it lasts for a significant period of time (over 2 months in the aggregate), it happens systematically, it was not inevitable and caused outstanding contributions for child support in amount, which altogether makes the total sum of payments concerned for relevant period, such debtor committed the crime envisaged in part 1 article 164 of Criminal Code of Ukraine.


Keywords accessibility of law; overruling by the Supreme Court its opinion on the application of law; Supreme Court’s opinion on the application of law; legislative and technical solutions in the field of judicial informational technologies; state register of court decisions


Authored books

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Journal articles

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Conference papers

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