Article | On the Issue of Patient-Consumer Protection Guarantees When Performing Pharmaceutical Activities |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 10 / 2022 |
Pages | 112 - 129 |
Annotation | The conducted research is due to the lack of an unambiguous definition of the concepts “pharmaceutical assistance”, “pharmaceutical service”, “pharmaceutical activity” in the doctrine. The purpose of the article is to develop a generalized scientific vision of the essence of pharmaceutical activity, to clarify its specifics and subject composition, guarantees for the exercise and protection of rights by the latter, to develop a rationale for the theoretical foundations for further reform of civil legislation regulating legal relations in the field of pharmaceutical activity. It was found that in doctrinal studies, depending on the field of their research, the concept of pharmaceutical activity can be used in different understandings. The scientific hypothesis underlying the article is the analysis of pharmaceutical activity only as an economic activity directly related to the circulation of medicinal products, the provision of pharmaceutical services and assistance. The correctness of the legislative approach, according to which the pharmaceutical service is a form of civil law circulation of pharmaceutical aid, has been confirmed. The content of pharmaceutical services is pharmaceutical assistance. The ambiguity in the understanding of a person who is a consumer of pharmaceutical services in the doctrinal literature has been established. The conducted analysis made it possible to conclude that the final recipient of pharmaceutical services and pharmaceutical activity is the patient, who at the same time has the status of a consumer. The correct name of such a person should be recognized as “patient-consumer”, which allows to distinguish him from the patient as a subject of medical legal relations. The extension of the status of consumers to patients is conditioned, among other things, by the attribution of pharmaceutical activity to entrepreneurial activity – trade, the purpose of which is to expand the volume of distribution of goods (medicines and medical products) and obtain maximum profit.The issue of specific guarantees for the protection of consumer rights in the field of pharmaceutical activity is being investigated. It was established that the most important criteria for appropriateness of services in pharmaceutical activity should be recognized as: compliance with high quality requirements of medicines and medical products; relevance of medicines and medical devices; proper informing of the consumer; availability of proper and accessible service of pharmaceutical activity; compliance with pharmaceutical ethics; application of the provisions of “Proper Pharmacy Practice”; pricing and state regulation of prices for some medicines and medical products. Peculiarities of protecting the rights of the patient-consumer in case of sale of medical products of inappropriate quality have been studied.
Keywords | abuse of law; information relations; information with limited access; discretionary powers; subjective law |
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