Article | General, Special and Casuistic Compositions of Criminal Offenses Against the Foundations of the National Security of Ukraine |
Authors |
Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor of the Department of Theory of Law and Human Rights of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: ResearcherID: D-6589-2019 navrotskyi.vo.
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 11 / 2022 |
Pages | 12 - 23 |
Annotation | The characteristic feature of the development of Ukrainian criminal legislation is amendments to the legislation with articles providing for special and casuistic components of crimes. This also takes place in the part of regulation of responsibility for taking up the bases of national security of Ukraine, especially the articles, which the Criminal Code of Ukraine is supplemented after the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It often leads to a reduction in liability in comparison with the intentions of the legislator, and in practice leads to problems of solving competition between the previously existing provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the legislative novelties. The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical, legislative and law enforcement relation between the existing Criminal Code of Ukraine of 2001 and the general composition of the crimes and legislative innovations during the russian-ukrainian war, which establish special and casuistic components of criminal offenses against the foundations of the national security of Ukraine. The advantages of using in the law the constructions of the general composition of such offenses have been established. The criteria have been formulated, and it is advisable for the legislatures to allocate special and casuistic components of criminal offenses. The relevant legislative provisions are defined, which of them establish general, and which special and casuistic components of crimes and criminal offenses. On this basis, specific rules of criminal legal qualification, which should be guided by investigators, prosecutors and judges in the relevant law-enforcement situations. The approaches of the Working Group, which is preparing a draft of the new Criminal Code of Ukraine on the construction of articles on crimes against the foundations of the national security of Ukraine, are shown. It is concluded that the perspective way of development of criminal legislation, in particular, in terms of regulation of encroaching on the foundations of national security of Ukraine, is the emphasis on the general compositions of the crimes.
Keywords | national security fundamentals; composition of the crime; competition; special norm; general norm; casuistic norm |
References | Bibliography
Authored books 1. Movchan R, “Voienni” novely Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy: pravotvorchi ta pravozastostosovni problemy (Norma prava 2022) (in Ukrainian). 2. Navrotskyi V, Osnovy kryminalno-pravovoi kvalifikatsii (2-he vyd, Yurinkom Inter 2009) (in Ukrainian). 3. Sen I, Funktsii spetsialnykh norm u kryminalnomu pravi Ukrainy: naukova broshura (Iurydychnyi fakultet Lvivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka 2019) (in Ukrainian). 4. Vodiannikov O, ‘Vid caveat dominus do ultima ratio: demokratiia i konstytutsiini pryntsypy kryminalizatsii: vstupne slovo’ v Hatseliuk V, Kryminalizatsiia suspilno nebezpechnykh diian protiahom dii Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy 2001 roku: ostanni siuzhety na foni zahalnoi palitry zakonodavchykh rishen (VAITE 2021) (in Ukrainian).
Edited books 5. Novely kryminalnoho zakonodavstva Ukrainy, pryiniati v umovakh voiennoho stanu: naukovo-praktychnyi komentar (Vozniuk A, Movchan R, Chernei V red, Norma prava 2022) (in Ukrainian).
Journal articles 6. Popovych O, ‘Pryntsypy kryminalizatsii: poniattia, zmist ta dotrymannia (na prykladi st. 1102 KK Ukrainy)’ (2018) 4 Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo 209–18 (in Ukrainian).
Conference papers 7. Kryminalno-pravovi vidpovidi na vyklyky voiennoho stanu v Ukraini: materialy mizhnar. nauk. konf. (Baulin Iu, Ponomarenko Yu uporiad ta zah red, Nats yuryd un-t im Yaroslava Mudroho, Nats shk suddiv Ukrainy, Hromad orh “Vseukr asots krymin Prava”, NDI vyvch. problem zlochynnosti im akad V V Stashysa, Pravo 2022) (in Ukrainian). 8. Kryminalno-pravovi, kryminolohichni, kryminalni protsesualni ta kryminalistychni problemy protydii zlochynnosti v umovakh voiennoho stanu: materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (Pysmenskyi Ie uporiad, Nats akad vnutr sprav Lviv derzh un-t vnutr sprav, Dnipropet derzh un-t vnutr sprav, Luhan derzh un-t vnutr sprav im E O Didorenka 2022) (in Ukrainian). 9. Navrotskyi V, ‘Spetsialni i kazuistychni kryminalno-pravovi normy ta prohalyny u kryminalnomu zakoni’ v Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukrainy 2001 r.: problemy zastosuvannia ta perspektyvy udoskonalennia. Prohalyny u kryminalnomu zakonodavstvi. Mizhnarodnyi sympozium 12–13 veresnia 2008 r. (Lviv derzh un-t vnutr sprav 2008) 134–5 (in Ukrainian). 10. Ukrainska kryminalna yustytsiia v umovakh viiny: materialy VIII (XXI) Lvivskoho forumu kryminalnoi yustytsii (m Lviv, 9–11 chervnia 2022 roku) (Hazdaika-Vasylyshyn I uporiad, LvDUVS 2022) (in Ukrainian).
Theses 11. Balobanova D, ‘Teoriia kryminalizatsii’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2007) (in Ukrainian). 12. Sen I, ‘Spetsialni normy u kryminalnomu pravi Ukrainy’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2020) (in Ukrainian).
Websites 13. ‘Tekst proiektu novoho Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy’ <https://newcriminalcode.> (accessed: 01.11.2022) (in Ukrainian).
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