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Article European Standards of Social Protection of Displaced People from Ukraine: Nothing New Under the Sun

Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Law Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:


Doctor of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Law Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2022
Pages 40 - 54

The mechanisms of social protection of displaced persons from Ukraine in connection with hostilities, which are implemented by the Member States of the European Union and the Council of Europe to fulfill their European integration obligations, are highlighted. Some aspects of the activation of the temporary protection regime for Ukrainians in the EU, as well as the problems associated with this, and those that are expected, were studied.

The scope of persons who can apply for this status has been clarified. This emphasizes the need to reconsider the unequal approach of Member States in determining the scope of persons entitled to temporary protection due to their European or non-European origin, and to eliminate the practice of double standards when granting asylum to such asylum seekers.

The social rights of displaced persons are analyzed and it is emphasized that each Member State has its national systems for their implementation, so the level of minimum standards of social protection will be different. At the same time, the priority of protecting the rights of displaced children to education is stressed, since almost half of the DP fromUkraine are school-age children. The article examines the mechanism of coordination of Member States’ efforts to protect displaced people from Ukraine based on the “Solidarity Platform” created by the European Commission.

 It was emphasized that the Council of Europe in its documents supports the new integrated imperative mechanisms proposed by the European Union in the field of forced displacement and asylum based on full compliance with their obligations in the field of human rights. The Council of Europe supports the extension of these standards to its member states. At the same time, it encourages the institutions of the European Union to adhere to the standards of the Council of Europe in the field of protection of forcibly displaced persons. The article examines the general standards of the Council of Europe regarding forcibly displaced people, and also draws attention to those that the Council of Europe considers to be priorities for further activities. The content of individual standards, which due to the russia’s war against Ukraine acquired the status of extremely relevant for displaced people from Ukraine, and some aspects of their implementation are analyzed. 

Keywords European Union; Council of Europe; social rights; displaced people; vulnerable categories of the population; temporary protection; social protection; standards of rights


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