Article | Access to Legal Information in Ukraine in the Context of European Principles of Participatory Democracy |
Authors |
Doctor of Laws, Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Head of the Research Center electronic parliament and legal information State Scientific Institution "Institute of Information, Security and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine" (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
First Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine , honored lawyer of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2022 |
Pages | 43 - 60 |
Annotation | Democratization of public life in Ukraine is now a comprehensive process for Ukrainian society. It cannot be successful in local and fragmentary versions. Successful changes in the development of the economy and socio-cultural sphere, improving welfare and gaining reliable prospects is that the principles of democracy prevail in all spheres of Ukrainian society. In our opinion, providing the process of democratization of new impulses remains, after the defense of independence and sovereignty, the most important issues on the national agenda in Ukraine. One of the directions of democratization of public life in Ukraine is the introduction of European principles of participatory democracy that is access to legal information and direct participation of citizens in the management of public affairs. One of the directions of democratization of public life in Ukraine is the introduction of European principles of participatory democracy that is direct participation of citizens in the management of public affairs. This issue in Ukraine has not yet received enough attention from scientists. In addition to the author of this article, this issue, in the context of the study of European principles in the functioning of local government, attention was paid by researchers: I. Shumlyaeva, O. Batanov, V. Кravchenko, Th. Pryhodko, I. Lopushinsky, L. Sameluk and others. According to research, the emphasis in research is on the principles of participatory democratization of public life in the field of municipal government and the functioning of the territorial community. In view of the above, the purpose of this article is to analyze the principles of participatory democracy adopted in the European Union and to reveal the legal mechanisms for their implementation in Ukraine, primarily at the central level; development of a holistic view of the standards of the mentioned principles introduced in Europe and the peculiarities of their implementation in Ukrainian conditions, their forms, methods and techniques of implementation, as well as setting out one’s own vision of ensuring the most effective ways and means of implementing these principles in Ukrainian public life in the process of ensuring citizens’ access to legal information. It was established that domestic science has studied the state of participatory democracy in Ukraine, mainly at the municipal level, especially in the context of the importance ofinternational and European standards for local democracy, cross-border economic and social cooperation of local communities and local government. It was found that for the successful implementation of reforms in Ukraine, it will be important to consolidate and implement European principles not only at the local level, but also to synchronize their action at the central level, their full compliance, use and application in all spheres of life. It is concluded that Ukraine has developed a legal framework for the implementation of national principles of participatory democracy in national legislation, which successfully operates primarily at the regional level. At the same time, at the central level, the abovementioned principles enshrined in the legislation are not yet sufficiently implemented. There are many facts that some heads of central executive bodies do not accept or even ignore European principles enshrined in law for proper implementation.
Keywords | access to legal information; European principles of participatory democracy; information society; participatory democracy; legal information; legal regulation of access to legal information; participation of citizens in the management of public affairs |
References | Bibliography
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