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Article Cassational Practice of the Supreme Court in Cases Relating to Data Protection in the Sphere of Healthcare

graduate student of the Department of Law of the Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia), graduate student of the School of Law of the University. R. Gordon (Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom), graduate student of the Department of International Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Assistant Professor of Medical Law, Lviv National Medical University (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: -7410-5292


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2022
Pages 214 - 236

Lawsuits against doctors and hospitals due to medical confidentiality breaches are not new in European states, as the oldest of such cases count over a hundred years. Far more similar cases are resolved by Ukrainian courts over the last few years, which indicates a high level of topicality in a dynamic development of Ukrainian medical law. A prominent example of it is the adjudication of a number of medical law cases by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, where plaintiffs demanded to recover damages because of a breach of medical confidentiality, or strived to obtain insight to their medical records.

 The aim of the article is to conduct a review of the topical cassational practice of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in cases relating to data protection in healthcare. The medical information is considered as ‘sensitive’ personal data, the disclosure of which may bring to deplorable consequences to the plaintiff, which may considerably affect on his employment, working and professional activity, as well as personal life. Apart from this, the author pays attention on the explanation of what information the Supreme Court of Ukraine considers to be encompassed by the term ‘medical secrecy’ in its cassational practice, since the said notion requires a thorough categorization. The 21st century technologies enable the identification of the patient upon biological samples, and so, the concept of personal data may not be merely regarded as information, which is recorded entirely on paper or electronic carriers.

The following methods of scientific research are used by the author in the given paper: the historical-legal in terms of researching the roots of ‘medical confidentiality’ and the first attempts of the courts to determine what information should be regarded in the scope of medical confidentiality, the hermeneutical one for the necessity of the description of topical practice of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, and the comparative one for the needs of comparing the national and foreign jurisprudence.


Keywords medical confidentiality; data protection; medical law; Supreme Court of Ukraine; cassational practice of the Supreme Court of Ukraine; patient’s rights


Authored books

 1. Brouardel P, La Responsibilite Medical (Librairie J. B. Bailliere et Pils 1898) (in French).

2. Brouardel P, Le Secret Medical (Librairie J. B. Bailliere et Pils 1887) (in French).

3. Chaevau A, Helie F, Theorie du Code Penal, Tome Cinquintiene (Imprimerie et Librairie Generale de Jurisprudence. Place Dauphine 1872) (in French).

4. Deutsch E, Das Persönlichkeitsrecht des Patienten, 192 Bd. H. (Archiv für die civilistische Praxis 1992) (in German).

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10. Ziino G, Compendio di medicina legale e giurisprudenza medica: secondo le leggi dello stato (Libreria nella R. Universita 1882) (in Italian).


Journal articles

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 24. Waller L, ‘Secrets Revealed: The Limits of Medical Confidence’ 9 (1993) J. Contemp. Health L. & Pol’y 183 (in English).


Conference papers

25. Lytvynenko A, ‘Senate Rules that Transfer of an In-patient’s Health Data without his Consent to the State Police Violates Medical Confidentiality: Judgment SKA 41/2020’ v XI International Scientific Conference “Time of challenges and opportunities: problems, solutions and prospects” (2021 Riga) 139–46 (in English).


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