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Article Doctrine of Criminal Law of Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Professor of the Criminal Law Department No.2 of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2022
Pages 81 - 104

The article is devoted to the study of the main problems of the doctrine of criminal law, which has not yet received the necessary scientific research. Meanwhile, the provisions of the doctrine of criminal law (hereinafter – DCL) are important for clarifying the essence and content of criminal law and legislation: for their development, improving lawmaking and law enforcement, development of criminal law research. Purpose of the article: to develop the concept of “doctrine of criminal law”, to examine the constituent elements of the DCL, to identify its types and forms, to clarify the functions and impact of the DCL on criminal law regulation: the practice of criminal law and law enforcement, and to extending scientific knowledge and development research in the field of criminal law.Based on the research and analysis of the main essential features (characteristics) of the doctrine of criminal law as a branch of public law, formed its concept, which is proposed to understand the scientific legal concept, the content of which is a holistic and complex system fundamental (conceptional and basic) scientific and applied provisions of criminal law as its basis: essence, content, form, system, tasks, functions, principles and grounds of its formation and development, on criminal liability and its basis, criminal offenses – negative social legal phenomena – and penalties for them, as well as relatively optimal and reasonable rules and techniques of criminal law and law enforcement. At the same time, very important constituent elements of the content of the DCL are distinguished and considered, which differ in the form of external expression: principles of criminal law, scientific categories, criminal law postulates and other generalized fundamental legal provisions. These elements of the DCL are closely related, constitute the content (at the level of general) criminal law regulations and prohibitions and are enshrined (as a source) in criminal law institutions, norms, legal structures, other criminal law entities and determine their social-legal essence. The types of DCL are distinguished and considered: general and particular (partial or special), scientific, legal and official doctrines of criminal law. The functions of the doctrine are investigated: a) axiological; b) regulatory (in the field of criminal law and law enforcement); c) preventive and educational; d) scientific and information. On this basis, the scientific and practical significance of the doctrine of criminal law as a fundamental (basic) element of the criminal law system and criminal law, to ensure the implementation of their main functions: security, regulatory, preventive.

The main results of the study: the definition of the concept of “criminal law doctrine”, highlighted the constituent elements of the content of the criminal law, examined the types and functions of the criminal law, its impact on law enforcement practice of criminal law, development of criminal law research.

The conclusion summarizes the results obtained, the importance of the DCL to improve the practice (lawmaking and law enforcement) and the science of criminal law.


Keywords doctrine of criminal law; the concept of the doctrine of criminal law; elements of the content of the doctrine of criminal law: principles of criminal law, categories of criminal law, postulates of criminal law; some fundamental extended legal statements; general doctrine of criminal law; particular doctrine of criminal law (special or partial); scientific doctrine of criminal law; official doctrine of criminal law; functions of the doctrine of criminal law: axiological, regulatory, preventive and educational, scientific and informational



Authored books

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