Article | Human Rights in Modern Humanity |
Authors |
PhD, Chief of the Monitoring Section of Pryluky’ Police Department Main Administration of the National Police in the Chernihiv region (Pryluky, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 12 / 2022 |
Pages | 37 - 52 |
Annotation | The nature of man, both its social component and biological, make it necessary to understand the possibility of existence and development of personality in the environment. The establishment of social ties is impossible between representatives of society without social relations, the content of which is primarily human rights, with which the obligations of the participants of relations correspond, the presence of measures of legal responsibility, as a certain response of the state to ensure the stability of social relations. Human rights are both at the origins and at the top of legal processes, they accompany all human actions and from how the content of human rights is understood, what forms are given to human rights, and what algorithms (mechanisms) are determined for the use, implementation, implementation, protection and protection of rights person, all derivative legal elements are defined, as well as society, its state and democracy. Based on this, the purpose of the research was to search and analyze the understanding of human rights in the legal doctrine of modern times. Human rights are quite often perceived as certain capabilities of the subject, although this cannot be rejected, since this property is one of the decisive ones for a person, the bearer of these rights, but human rights play a leading role for both societies and states. Human rights, as values, indicates that human rights are a social product of the intellectual activity of both one person and his communities, which, going beyond the limits of individual consciousness, form a cluster of the spiritual life of societies and humanity as a whole, which determines the relationship of a person and society, man and institutions of society. The natural-law concept of human rights is a source for searching and thinking about the understanding of human rights, their content, number, and other features, while positivism reflects the recognition of such rights by society and its entities, in particular, the state. Statism and positivism, most likely, provide an understanding of the form of human rights, which acquires a universally recognized meaning. It is in positive law that human rights are legitimized. The understanding of human rights demonstrates the social and historical-legal formulation of the content of human rights from the ideas of individual individuals to the general social consciousness and legal culture in the field of human rights. In our opinion, it is appropriate to perceive human rights as historically formed and perceived social values, embodied in the capabilities of a certain individual, and along with this, they are at the same time vectors of state development and limits for the exercise of power in relation to an individual and society as a whole.
Keywords | human rights; understanding of human rights; value of human rights; concept of human rights; society; state |
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