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Article Digitalization of the National Education: Problems and Prospects for its Development Under Conditions of Globalization

Doctor of  Science of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of  General Law Disciplines Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Institute of Law,Department of General Law Disciplines (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID Scopus Author ID: 57194699372


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2022
Pages 109 - 121

The article deals with the digitalization process of the national education under conditions of digitalization of the global space. It is emphasized that in the context of increasing global challenges, it is relevant to study the impact of global processes on higher education and educational relations taking into account the impact of globalization on all spheres of social life, including education.

The main purpose of the article is to highlight the issue of the possibilities of digitalization of the national education, problems, and prospects for the development of this process. It is proved that modern society responds positively to innovative processes related to the digitalization of society and education. In addition, the latest global trends have prompted all participants in the domestic educational process to intensify their efforts in improving information competence. Two important factors concerning the implementation of this process within the framework of modern educational activities are elucidated. First, it is about the emergence of a new type of communication between a lecturer and a student (the so-called “cold” communication), which goes beyond the classical one. These are, for example, WhatsApp, Zoom, Messenger, e-mail, Instagram, etc. The mental stability of all communication participants and the didactic capabilities of the Internet are highlighted as the second factor of the indicated communication.

Based on the analyzed material, a conclusion that the consumer possibility of social networks has great potential is made. These resources provide the organization of educational interaction, both in the educational process and beyond, making it possible to apply elements of educational technologies, thereby increasing the involvement of students in the process of cognition and learning. The positive aspects include the variability of using social networks for educational purposes in learning and teaching activities. Aspects that require special attention are the low level of literacy in the IT industry and the inertness of the transition from a traditional form of labor to a digitalized one, which also requires some time to review its normative regulation.


Keywords digitalization; digitization; higher education; Internet technologies; IT competencies; lecture; seminar; student; lecturer



Authored books

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Edited books

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Journal articles

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