Article | The Constitution of Ukraine and the Constitution of the United States of America: a Comparative Characteristics |
Authors |
Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 12 / 2022 |
Pages | 122 - 133 |
Annotation | The Constitution is a fundamental normative-legal act in Ukraine and the USA that characterizes the state system, becomes the guarantor of the protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms and ensures a democratic regime in the state, regulates political and legal relations, as well as regulates a wide range of social relations. Throughout the history of development of both countries, the right-wing foundation has changed, and the transformations continue to this day. Nowadays there is a necessity of reforming the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which should be reflected in the articles of the Constitution of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to compare the Constitution of Ukraine and the Constitution of the USA, and to prove the necessity of reforming the main Law of Ukraine on the example of the transformation, in particular, of the USA Constitutional Court. The Constitution of Ukraine is a fundamental normative-legal act, adopted on June 28, 1996, which has the highest legal force throughout the territory of Ukraine and establishes the fundamental principles of the constitutional system; the key rights and freedoms of human and citizen; the state system; the system structure of state bodies that have power authority; the foundations of organization and powers of local self-government. Adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine in 1996 became a stabilizing factor in the political life of the country, however, the rivalry within the ruling elite led to the fact that almost all of its positive potential was reduced to zero. The Constitution of the USA was adopted more earlier – on September 17, 1787, and is the first written Constitution in the world, which has the highest legal force and became the so-called pioneer in this field, becoming an example for other countries of the world. The structure contains the Preamble, which is the introductory part and explains the key purpose of this normative-legal act: “to promote the general welfare and consolidate the benefits of freedom, establish justice, guarantee internal peace, ensure common defense”. The leading role of the Constitution emphasizes the fact that all other normative-legal acts must not contradict the provisions of the basic law. Thus, the Constitution is characterized as legal “foundation” of the constitutional system. Activities of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and its decisions have a significant meaning in forming a democratic society and legal state, in the realizing the constitutional principle of respect for human rights and freedoms, in achieving international legal standards. At the same time, there is a relevant tendency in reforming the Constitutional Court of Ukraine today. Such a tendency crystallized back in 1996. Foundations in organizing the federal judicial power in the USA are defined by the Constitution of 1787, in Chapter 1, Art. 3 declares that judges of the Supreme Court and lower courts hold office until the period of “untaintedness” of their own behavior. That is, the one the criteria for the professionalism of judges is the fairness of their reputation.
Keywords | the Constitution of Ukraine; the Constitution of the USA; comparative characteristics; reforming; the Constitutional Court |
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