Article | Convergence of Private and Public Law in the Regulation of Relations in the Field of Economy |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Professor of the Economic Law Department of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2022 |
Pages | 21 - 33 |
Annotation | The article considers some problems of the balance of public and private interests in economic relations, which have become particularly acute in connection with the recoding of civil law and another attempt to repeal the Economic Code of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to identify the features of legal regulation of relations in the field of management and justify on this basis the feasibility of combining in the Economic Code of Ukraine private and public law elements as tools for protecting private and public interests, optimal harmonization. It is noted that due to the combination of “public” and “private” norms in the GC of Ukraine and other acts of economic legislation, effective legal regulation of relations in the field of management is achieved. Interaction, interconnection and interpenetration of norms of private and public law are the factors that create the possibility of adopting regulations of “mixed” type with the presence of both norms. Such “mixed” legal acts regulate public relations in various spheres. Given the fact that in the modern legal regulation of public relations in various spheres of life there is a convergence of private and public law elements, which can be characterized as a natural process of development of the national legal system, the need for an organic combination of private and public law modernization of economic legislation through the development and adoption of the Economic Code of Ukraine. Such codified normative legal act is able to ensure the satisfaction of both private and public interests by taking them into account, coordination, convergence, combination, and so on. It is believed that the balance of public and private interests in the economic sphere, in cases of state regulation of the economy – this is usually a temporary phenomenon, it is only one of the possible states of their relationship (their balance), which, in our opinion, cannot be defined as the goal (intermediate or final) of the regulatory influence of the state. Therefore, the balance of interests can be said in the case of legally equal participants in a relationship (for example, the interests of the parties to a business agreement). It is proposed to abandon the division of legal entities into legal entities under public law and legal entities under private law, instead replacing them with public legal entities – those created to ensure and realize public interests (state, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, territorial community, civic formation), and private – the purpose of which is to meet the interests of an individual or group of individuals.
Keywords | private and public interests; sphere of management; ratio of private and public interests; convergence of private and public law; modernization of economic legislation |
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