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Article Social Law: Formation and Prospects for the Future

Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine  ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2022
Pages 64 - 75

The problems of the formation and development of social law are highlighted in the article. It is proposed to understand social law as a complex legal structure that combines a number of modern branches of law that regulate relations arising in connection with the proclamation and provision of fundamental social rights of persons and citizens. The formation of social law is associated with the growth of capitalist market relations andthe emergence of hired labour and the employment contract. This legal formation is based on an agreement that arose from the coordination between the main social partners – workers, employers, and the state, who sought to ensure social peace and harmony in society by establishing uniform rules for exploiting labour. The social agreement concluded on a tripartite basis has significantly changed the legal nature of the employment contract, shifting it into the social area and thus determining the actual essence of all labour law.

 Social law, which includes labour law, social security law, social insurance law, the law of environmental safety, housing law, social medical law, social dialogue law based on the method of coordinated subordination, forms a holistic subsystem of norms, which together with public and private law form the system of law of social-democratic orientation states.


Keywords law; the system of law; social rights; regulation methods; employment contract; labour law; social dialogue; social law; the structure of law


Authored books

1. Luts’ L, Zahalna teoriia derzhavy ta prava: navchalnyi metodychnyj posibnyk (za kredytnomodulnoiu systemoiu) (Atyka 2010) (in Ukrainian).

2. Maydanyk R, Tsyvil’ne pravo: Zahalna chastyna, t 1:Vstup u tsyvilne pravo: pidruchnyk (Alerta 2012) (in Ukrainian).

3. Rabinovych P, Osnovy zahalnoi teorii prava ta derzhavy: navchalnyi posibnyk (vyd 5-te, zi zminamy, Atika 2001) (in Ukrainian).

4. Tykhomyrov Yu, Publychnoe pravo: uchebnyk (BEK 1995) (in Russian).


Edited books

5. Kashkyn S (red), Pravo Evropejskoho Soiuza: uchebnyk dlia mahystrov (3-e yzd, pererab y dop, Yzdatel’stvo Yurajt 2014) (in Russian).

6. Pylypenko P (red), Pravo sotsialnoho zabezpechennia: pidruchyk dlia studentiv vyschykh navchalnykh zakladiv (2-he vyd, pererobl i dop, In Yure 2010) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

7. Gurvitch G, ‘The Problem of Social Law’ [1941] 52 (1) Ethics 17–40 (in English).



8. Rym O,’Trudove pravo Yevropejskoho Soiuzu ta joho vplyv na rozvytok trudovoho prava Ukrainy’ (avtoref dys d-ra iuryd nauk, 2021) (in Ukrainian).



9. Sotsial’ni prava. (Z praktyky zastosuvannia terminiv, sliv ta slovospoluchen’ u iurysprudentsii) < fsUdWstxnoHeZh3PQwY4cTvxP9Z54wcaQSHlAIVcKKVbtXvEeNIdU> (accessed: 15.01.2022) (in Ukrainian).

10. Trudovi vidnosyny. Material do serii onlain-treninhiv z mizhnarodnykh i yevropeiskykh standartiv z pytan pratsi (Proiekt YeS-MOP “Na shliakhu do bezpechnoi, zdorovoi ta zadeklarovanoi pratsi v Ukraini”, 09.06.2020) < groups/public/---europe/---ro-geneva/---sro-budapest/documents/genericdocument/ wcms_748314.pdf> (accessed: 15.01.2022).


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