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Article Notary in the Modern Legal System of Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Honorary Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Lublin Branch), Professor of the Department of Notary, Enforcement Process and the bar, the prosecutor's office, the judiciary of the Institute of Law Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: http // / 0000-0002-3023-5287



Candidate of legal sciences, Professor,  professor department of international private, commercial and civil law Kyiv national trade and economic university (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: http//  Researcher ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2022
Pages 91 - 107

The article deals with the Ukrainian notary, which now, in difficult times for our country, also faces certain challenges that need to be addressed systematically at the scientific level. The purpose of the article is to study the place of the notary as a body of undisputed jurisdiction in the modern legal system of Ukraine. To show its important role in theprotection of indisputable rights of subjects of civil relations and the problems that arise during the performance of notarial acts by both notaries and authorized persons of local governments, consuls and ways to solve them. In particular, through a comprehensive approach to the harmonization of substantive law with the law on notaries, which regulates procedural activity of a notary, because it is with the help of a notarial procedure that the norms of substantive law are analyzed.

The article deals with the role and place of notaries in the modern legal system in the age of digital technologies. However, until recently, the Law of Ukraine “On Notaries” of 1993. Its content has been amended and supplemented, but this Law has not undergone a radical rethinking, although now the question of recoding the Civil Code is being actively raised, and the Law continues to be subject only to fragmentary changes. Therefore, the question should be not so much about updating the Law of Ukraine “On Notaries” as about its systematic modernization. This does not mean the banal implementation of the constitutional principle of the rule of law in the activities of notaries or expanding their competence, due to non-notarial functions and in order to obtain more income notaries, and finding a place for notaries in the modern legal system of Ukraine to eliminate at least some issues of public relations.

The issue of annulment of the state notary is acute. but this issue is premature, especially in times of low level of economic activity and the economic situation in which our country found itself.

 In conclusion, the Law of Ukraine “On Notaries” needs comprehensive modernization, but taking into account the developments that have already been made by scientists. In particular, such important aspects as improving the organization of the work of bodies that provide notarial services also need to be regulated. proposed a number of notarial actions that can expand the competence of notaries, disclosure requires notarial relations, substantive coordination of notaries and executors, notaries and judges, notaries and consuls, and all this necessitates the adoption of the Notary Code.


Keywords notary; legal system; recoding; reform; protection of indisputablerights; Notary Code


Edited books

1. Fursa Ye Ye, ‘Vzaiemodiia konsuliv z notariusamy ta inshymy upovnovazhenymy osobamy pry spadkuvanni z inozemnym elementom’ v Fursa Ye Ye, Skok-Koziar L V, Okremi pytannia spadkuvannia z inozemnym elementom: konsul, notarius, sud (Seriia: “Protsesualni nauky”, Alerta 2017) (in Ukrainian).

2. Fursa S, Fursa Ye I, ‘Analiz ostannikh kontseptsii pro neobkhidnist rekodyfikatsii tsyvilnoho zakonodavstva v Ukraini (na prykladi spadkovoho prava) z metoiu zasterezhennia vynyknennia sporiv u maibutnomu’ v Fursa S (red), Spir pro pravo u tsyvilistychnomu protsesi: notariat, sud, vykonavche provadzhennia (Alerta 2021) (in Ukrainian).

3. Fursa S, Fursa Ye I, ‘Sub’iekty notarialnykh protsesualnykh pravovidnosyn, yikh pravovyi status, protsesualni prava ta obov’iazky’ v Fursa S (red), Teoriia notarialnoho protsesu: naukovo-praktychnyi posibnyk (Tsul, Alerta 2012) (in Ukrainian).


 Journal articles

4. Fursa Ye Ye, ‘Zakhyst notarialnykh dokumentiv ta yoho vplyv na prava hromadian, yurydychnykh osib: diialnist notariusiv ta konsuliv’ (2016) 2 Tsyvilistychna protsesualna dumka 20-25 (in Ukrainian).

5. Fursa S, Fursa Ye, ‘Notariat: shliakhy rozvytku’ [2003] 32 (424) Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrainy 15 (in Ukrainian).

6. Fursa S, Fursa Ye, ‘Notariat: shliakhy rozvytku’ [2003] 33 (425) Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrainy 15 (in Ukrainian).

7. Fursa S, Fursa Ye, ‘Notariat: shliakhy rozvytku’ [2003] 34 (426) Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrainy 9 (in Ukrainian).

8. Fursa S, Fursa Ye, ‘Notariat: shliakhy rozvytku’ [2003] 35 (427) Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrainy 9 (in Ukrainian).


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