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Article Theoretical Applied Questions of the Economic Agreement Content

Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean Faculty of law Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (Vinnytsia, Ukraine) ORCID ID:



Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Economic and Administrative Law Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University   (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)

ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0003-1504-8384


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2022
Pages 80 - 95

The economic agreement content, which comes forward the legal indirectly form of economic connections between different participants of property economic, organizationally economic relations, has an important value both for the practical sphere of menage and for legal science. The article is devoted research theoretical applied questions of the economic agreement content, the purpose of which is a revision of scientific theoretical subsoil of the economic agreement content in the modern doctrine of Economic Law. Research is based on existence of close connection and influence of theories of economic agreement on understanding of the content of this agreement. For opening of question of the economic agreement content for basis interpretation of agreement is taken as a bargain, as a legal relationship and as a legal document. Attention of analysis of legislation, judicial practice, and scientific literature is spared through question of the economic agreement content of these theories. The special attention is focused on correlation of going near understanding of the economic agreement content, its practical embodiment and value. A conclusion is done, that concept of economic agreement as a document, as bargain and as legal relationship do not enter into a conflict between itself and does not have self-contradiction, as an agreement – the presence of agreement fixes and confirms a document – bargain, as a legal fact of origin of agreement – obligation legal relationship. Accordingly, the terms of implementation of contractual obligation will depend on terms, certain in an agreement – as a document. Legislative approaches to consolidating the economic agreement content are analyzed, based on which it is concluded that the provisions of laws can be interpreted as essential terms, ordinary terms or provisions that fix certain information and are reflected in the economic agreement as a document, but do not belong to the agreement. Attention is paid to the implementation of the principle of contractual freedom in the context of the legality of the economic agreement content. Some other provisions that make up the economic agreement content as a document are analyzed. Independent attention is paid to the issue of reservations, which are also included in the economic agreement content, their qualifications and significance for economic and contractual relations. As a result, conclusions were made on the economic agreement content as a bargain, as a legal relationship and as a document, specified the place and importance of reservations in the content of the economic agreement.


Keywords economic agreement; bargain, legal relationship; the content of the agreement; terms of the agreement; essential terms; agreement – as a document; the content of the document; the principle of freedom of agreement


Authored books

1. Luts V, Kontrakty u pidpryiemnytskii diialnosti (Iurinkom Inter 1999) (in Ukrainian).

2. Yoffe O, Obiazatelstvennoe pravo (Iuryd lyt 1975) (in Russian).


Edited books

3. Hetman A, Borysova V (red), Dohovir yak universalna pravova konstruktsiia (2012) (in Ukrainian).

4. Mamutov V (red), Khoziaistvennoe pravo (Iurynkom Ynter 2002) (in Russian).

5. Podtserkovnyi O (red), Hospodarske parvo Ukrainy (Odissei 2011) (in Ukrainian).

6. Vinnyk O (red), Hospodarske pravo v umovakh tsyfrovizatsii ekonomiky (NDI pryvatnoho prava i pidpryiemnytstva imeni akademika F H Burchaka NAPrN Ukrainy 2020) (in Ukrainian).



7. Velyka ukrainska yurydychna entsyklopediia, t 15: Hospodarske pravo (Ustymenko V holova redkol, Pravo 2019) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

8. Kodytsets A, ‘Dohovir pro konfidentsiinist: istotni umovy ta osoblyvosti rehuliuvannia’ (2018) 2 Pravo i suspilstvo 76 (in Ukrainian).

9. Koval I, Tkachuk H, ‘Shchodo istotnykh umov litsenziinoho dohovoru na vykorystannia torhovelnoi marky’ (2019) 2 Teoriia i praktyka intelektualnoi vlasnosti 31–3 (in Ukrainian).

10. Milash V, ‘Pro sutnisni elementy yurydychnoi konstruktsii “dohovir”’ (2006) 4 Visnyk Akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 152 (in Ukrainian).

11. Milash V, ‘Publichni zasterezhennia v hospodarskomu dohovori: vyiav dohovirnoi svobody chy yii deformatsiia’ (2018) 4 Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo 98–9 (in Ukrainian).



12. Belianevych O, ‘Hospodarskyi dohovir ta sposoby yoho ukladannia’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 1999) (in Ukrainian).

13. Bilous Zh, ‘Diisnist hospodarskykh dohovoriv’ (dys kand yur nauk, 2005) (in Ukrainian).

14. Chereshniuk V, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia ukladennia i vykonannia hospodarskykh dohovoriv’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2007) (in Ukrainian).

 15. Pavliuchenko Yu, ‘Hospodarsko-pravove zabezpechennia ahrarnoho rynku’ (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2021) (in Ukrainian).



16. Krat V, ‘Dohovirne pravo u praktytsi Verkhovnoho Sudu’ (LIHA 360, 29.12.2021) <> (accessed: 01.02.2022) (in Ukrainian).

17. Kurtenok S, Lytvynenko K, ‘Dohovirna vidpovidalnist za porushennia poriadku skladannia a reiestratsii podatkovykh nakladnykh: “za” ta “proty”’ (Ibuhgalter. net, 19.03.2019) <> (accessed: 10.02.2022) (in Ukrainian).


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