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Article The Role of Judicial Law-Making in the Development of Law: Principles of Law in Bankruptcy Cases

Doctor of Law, Judge of the Commercial Court of Cassation as part of the Supreme Court (Kyiv, Ukraine)



Phd in Law, Scientific Adviser of the Department for Ensuring the Work of the Secretary and Judges of the Judicial Chamber of the Office for Ensuring the Bankruptcy Cases of the Secretariat of the Commercial Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2022
Pages 23 - 51

The article is devoted to consideration of the role of judicial law-making in the development of law. The legal nature of the principles of law as law enforcement tools is analyzed; their role in the process of judicial law-making is established, as well as the features of the application of special principles during the consideration of bankruptcy cases and the formation of mandatory provisions in judicial practice in this way are outlined. Such special principles of the institution of insolvency as the principle of concentration within the bankruptcy case of all disputes are analyzed; the principle of procedural economy in the case of bankruptcy; the principle of judicial supervision in relation to insolvency and bankruptcy; the principle of undoubted completeness of the liquidator’s actions in the liquidation procedure; the principle of “immutability of the composition of the court” in bankruptcy cases; the principle of bankruptcy immunity of creditors. The authors establish the influence of the abstract quality of the principle on the nature of its action. It is determined that the higher the level of abstraction of a principle in the hierarchy of legal principles, the longer it lasts and is closer to natural law. Conversely, the lower its hierarchical level, the less abstract it is, and the less long-term legal regulation. The conclusion is drawn that the application of legal principles by judicial practice, in particular the higher courts, as a means of increasing the predictability of law enforcement can strengthen the key function of the Supreme Court to ensure the predictability of law enforcement, which confirms the hypothesis of this study. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the application of the law includes the application of principles that are not enshrined in it, since the principles of law, according to Article 8 of the Constitution of Ukraine, are norms of direct effect and cannot be considered in the context of the principles of legislation. It is determined that since the principles of law are a form of social consciousness, their use in justice with a high level of abstraction is associated with the need to achieve an appropriate level of legal awareness and culture in society, which essentially reflects the evolutionary process of the development of society and the legal system in general. At the same time, the analysis of judicial practice makes it possible to conclude that modern justice is characterized by the application of the principles of the first and second level of law, that is, the principles of legal institutions and branch principles of law. In view of the growing demand for the predictability of law, it should be assumed that in the near future the practice of law enforcement should switch to the application of the principles of a higher level of law.


Keywords principles of law; bankruptcy; insolvency; judicial law-making; court; precedent



Authored books

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Edited and translated books

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Journal articles

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