Article | What Modernization Does the Constitutional Matrix of Public Finance of Ukraine Require? |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of Department of Public Law, Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:
Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of Department of Public Law, Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2022 |
Pages | 95 - 111 |
Annotation | The article is devoted to the analysis of the current constitutional matrix of public finances of Ukraine and the quarter-century experience of its implementation, as іwell as new historical challenges for Ukraine in this area and possible responses of society to them. The purpose of the article is to research the issue of what kind of modernization the constitutional matrix of public finances of Ukraine requires at the present stage of development of the domestic society. This goal is specified in the following tasks of the article: 1) to analyze the current constitutional matrix of Ukraine’s public finances; 2) to substantiate the necessity and priority vectors for the modernization of the constitutional matrix of domestic public finance. The research methodology is based on axiological and anthroposociocultural approaches, general scientific principles of objectivity and historicism, the paradigm of organic constitutionalism, as well as methods of systemic and structural-functional analysis. Based on a thorough analysis of the problem through the prism of organic constitutionalism, the authors of the article reached the following conclusions: 1. The current constitutional matrix of public finances of Ukraine de jure is characterized by value eclecticism – state-centrism and people-centrism at the same time. It is a natural consequence of the policy and practice of total paternalism in the sphere of public finances. De facto, this gives the state and its officials quasi-freedom of action in the field of public finances, opens up unlimited opportunities to systematically abuse it under the slogans of public necessity and/or public expediency. 2. In order to overcome these problems, as well as to fulfill the tasks that Ukraine faced due to its acquisition of the status of a candidate for membership of the European Union and due to the action of other important factors, it became necessary to modernize the constitutional matrix of public finances of Ukraine. 3. This modernization provide, first of all, the need to constitutionalize the personal freedom of individuals, in particular, the general principle that individuals of private law are allowed everything that is not prohibited by general rules, as well as the constitutionalization of the principle of inequality, beneficial to all as a principle of the constitutional institution of public finance. 4. The emergence of the latter principle in the text of the Constitution of Ukraine will further actualize the need and at the same time make it possible to highlight a special section “Public Finances” in it. 5. On the level of individual sub-institutes of the institute of constitutional public finance, constitutionalization is needed by: the principle of competition between duly declared public needs of the subjects of constitutional relations in these resources as the basis of budgetary constitutional law; as the basis of tax constitutional law, the principle of maximizing fair tax revenues to public funds of financial resources.
Keywords | constitutional matrix of public finances; modernization of the constitutional matrix of public finances; the principle that persons of private law are allowed everything that is not prohibited by general rules; the principle of inequality beneficial to all; the principle of competition between properly declared public needs; the principle of maximizing fair tax revenues to public funds of financial resources |
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