Article | Principles of the Institute of Insolvency of Individuals |
Authors |
graduate student of Zaporizhzhya National University ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 7 / 2022 |
Pages | 139 - 152 |
Annotation | The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the emergence of the competitive process of individuals and some of its elements in ancient Rome. An analysis of the development and application of the legislation of ancient Rome, which regulated the debt obligations of individuals and the procedure for repayment of creditors’ claims, suggests that the approaches developed at that time were reflected in the modern insolvency proceedings of individuals. The author substantiates that the emergence of the competition process in ancient Rome should not be considered by the time of occurrence of the Law of Petelia (Lex Poetelia, 326 BC), instead it should be considered by the time of the Laws of the XII Tables (451–450 BC), since, despite the established personal liability of the debtor for the obligations, it was not actually applied, furthermore the foreclosure was applied exactly on the debtor’s property. The signs of the procedure of debts repayment of an insolvent natural person according to the Laws of the XII tables are determined: the presence of an indisputable monetary claim; the absence of the property to repay the debt; the presence of a judicial act on the commencement of proceedings; the possibility of concluding an amicable agreement; the possibility of involving a third party in the procedure of the dents repayment; occurrence, exclusively by court decision, of adverse legal consequences for the debtor in case of non-settlement of the debt obligation; centralized (state) legal regulation of the debt repayment procedure. It was found that the Law of Petelia (Lex Poetelia, 326 BC) first introduced the principle of liability for debts not in the person of the debtor, but in his property. In fact, that law was populist in nature and created the conditions for economic collapse in the republic. It is established that the law of Julius Caesar Julia Lex Cessione Bonorum established the institution of cessio bonorum, according to which the debtor is released from personal liability upon the creditor if he gives to the latter all his property voluntarily, regardless of whether it covers debts due to its realization or not. This approach is reflected today not only in the modern procedure of insolvency of an individual, in particular, in Art. 131 of the Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures, but also in the Ukrainian obligatory law as a whole. It is substantiated that the institution of invalidation of the debtor’s transactions, which originates from ancient Rome, was reflected in Art. 42 of the Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures, which applies to the insolvent individuals.
Keywords | competitive process; inability; debtor; creditor; debt obligation |
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