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Article Digital Transformation as a Source of Renovation of the Paradigm of Recodification and Updating of Legislation: Review of Problems

Doctor of Law, senior researcher, Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, Head of the Scientific Center for Digital Transformation and Law of the State Scientific Institution "Institute of Information, Security and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine" (Kyiv, Ukraine) ) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2022
Pages 28 - 47

Legal problems associated with the widespread implementing of digital technologies are practically outside the discussions on the recodification of civil and criminal legislation.

The purpose of the article is to analyze possible legal problems that may be caused by providing digital transformations, and, taking into account these problems, develop recommendations for the renovation of the recodification paradigm and updating the legislative system.

The article substantiates the assertion that the existence, development and future of human civilization directly depends on the quality of information relations and information interaction in the process of any social activity.

The possible consequences for the systems of law of large-scale social transformations taking place in the world, which are due, on the one hand, to the need for fundamental changes in the economy of the national and world level, and on the other hand, no less large-scale digital transformations, are explored.

In this case, digital transformations are the integrated implementation of the achievements of the 4th scientific and technological revolution: the technologies of the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, robotics, big data processing, blockchain, cloud computing, the Internet and Internet technologies.

The general methodological features of recodification and updating of legislation in the context of large-scale digital transformations are discussed.

 Recommendations for promising legal research in the context of the widespread introduction of Internet of Things technologies, as well as areas of research in the contextof a new paradigm of economic development on the example of the implementation of the strategy Economics of Results.

 Conclusions-recommendations are made regarding the ways and means of updating the paradigm of recodification and updating the system of legislation.

In addition, it is proposed to consider the feasibility of the initiative on the possible leadership of Ukraine in cooperation with representatives of other states in the process of forming the theoretical foundations and practical recommendations for the legal support of transformation processes.


Keywords recodification; legislation; law; internet of things; artificial intelligence; digital transformation; social transformation


Authored books

1. Weizsaecker E, Wijkman A, Come On! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet (Springer-Verlag 2018) (in English).

2. Baranov A, Informacionnaja infrastruktura: problemy regulirovanija dejatel’nosti (Vidavnichij dіm Dmitra Burago 2012) (in Russian).

3. Baranov A, Internet: ob’ekt pravootnoshenij i predmet regulirovanija (Pravo 2013) (in Russian). 4. Baranov O, Internet rechei: teoretyko-metodolohichni osnovy pravovoho rehuliuvannia, t 1: Sfery zastosuvannia, ryzyky i bar’iery, problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia (ArtEk 2018) (in Ukrainian).

5. Baranov O, Pravove zabezpechennia informatsiinoi sfery: teoriia, metodolohiia i praktyka (Edelveis 2014) (in Ukrainian).

6. Rubinshtejn S, Osnovy obshhej psihologii (Piter 1998) (in Russian). Edited and translated books 7. Re-codification of the Civil Law of Ukraine (2021) 10 Special Issue: Global Journal of Comparative Law (Tatsiy V red) < issue-1-2.xml> (accessed: 31.06.2022) (in English).

8. Kalabrezi G, Budushhee prava i jekonomiki. Ocherki o reforme i razmyshlenija (per s angl, Institut Gajdara 2016) (in Russian).

9. Tanskott D, Jelektronno-cifrovoe obshhestvo. Pljusy i minusy setevogo intellekta (per s angl, Refl Buk 1999) (in Russian).

10. Kontseptsiia onovlennia Tsyvilnoho kodeksu Ukrainy (ArtEk 2020) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

11. Coase R, ‘The Nature of the Firm’ (1937) 4 Economica 386 <https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1468-0335.1937.tb00002.x> (in English).

12. Liao Y and others, ‘The impact of the fourth industrial revolution: a cross-country/region comparison’ (2018) Production 28 <> (in English).

13. Scherer M, ‘Regulating artificial intelligence systems: risks, challenges, competencies, and strategies’ (2016) 29 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 353 (in English).

14. Schmitt B, Brakus J, Biraglia A, ‘Consumption Ideology’ [2022] 49 (1) Journal of Consumer Research 74–95 (in English).

15. Sherwood C, Subiaul F, Zawidzki T, ‘A natural history of the human mind: tracing evolutionary changes in brain and cognition’ (2008) 212 Journal of Anatomy 426 (in English).

16. Tatsiy V, ‘Re-codification of the civil law of Ukraine: On the way to European integration’ [2021] 10 (1–2) Global Journal of Comparative Law < view/journals/gjcl/10/1-2/article-p1_1.xml?ebody=full%20html-copy1> (accessed: 31.06.2022) (in English).

17. Baranov O, ‘“Internet rechei” yak pravovyi termin’ (2016) 5–6 Yurydychna Ukraina 96 (in Ukrainian).

18. Baranov O, ‘Virtualnist i pravove rehuliuvannia’ (2017) 1 Publichne pravo 210 (in Ukrainian). 19. Baranov O, ‘Internet rechei (IoT): rehuliuvannia nadannia posluh robotamy zi shtuchnym intelektom’ (2018) 4 Informatsiia i pravo 46 (in Ukrainian).

20. Baranov O, ‘Internet rechei (IoT): robot zi shtuchnym intelektom u pravovidnosynakh’ (2018) 5-6 Yurydychna Ukraina 75 (in Ukrainian).

21. Baranov O, ‘Internet rechei (IoT): meta zastosuvannia ta pravovi problemy’ (2018) 2 Informatyka i pravo 31 (in Ukrainian).

22. Baranov O, ‘Pravovi aspekty natsionalnykh stratehii rozvytku shtuchnoho intelektu’ (2019) 7 Yurydychna Ukraina 21 (in Ukrainian).

23. Baranov O, ’Sotsialna ta tsyfrova transformatsii: dzherelo pravovykh problem’ (2021) 3 Informatyka i pravo 59 (in Ukrainian).

24. Natsionalna doktryna pryvatnoho prava: osnovni metodolohichni zasady (2019) 1 Pravo Ukrainy (Kuznietsova N koоrdynatorka) (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

25. Baranov O, ‘Ekonomika rezultatu ta pravo’ v Ekonomichni svobody ta instytutsii: pravove rehuliuvannia ta efektyvnist. Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia (RIK-U 2020) 23 (in Ukrainian).

26. Baranov O, ‘Ekonomika rezultatu yak nova paradyhma ekonomichnoho rozvytku’ v Systemnyi analiz mizhnarodnykh ekonomichnykh vidnosyn: zb. materialiv nauk.prakt. konf. (Instytut mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn KNU im T Shevchenka 2021) 83 (in Ukrainian).

 27. Baranov O, ‘Internet rechei i shtuchnyi intelekt: vytoky problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia’ v IT-pravo: problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku v Ukraini: zbirnyk materialiv II-i Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (Lvivska politekhnika 2017) 18 (in Ukrainian).

28. Baranov O, ‘Osoblyvosti vyznachennia terminu “tsyfrova ekonomika”’ v Parlamentskyi kontrol v umovakh detsentralizatsii derzhavnoi vlady ta tsyfrovoi transformatsii v Ukraini: stan i problemy: materialy Pershoi vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. (Kyiv 2021) 30 (in Ukrainian).

29. Kontseptualni zasady novoi redaktsii Kryminalnoho kodeksu Ukrainy: materialy mizhnar. nauk. konf. (Tatsii V holov red, Pravo 2019) 500 (in Ukrainian).

30. Ustymenko V, Dzhabrailov R, ‘Efektyvnist pravovykh norm yak vazhlyva peredumova formuvannia pravovoi modeli staloho rozvytku derzhavy’ v Ekonomichni svobody ta instytutsii: pravove rehuliuvannia ta efektyvnist. Zbirnyk materialiv mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (Savchyn M zah red, RIK-U 2020) 13 (in Ukrainian).



31. ‘The Venus Project’ (Resource Based Economy, 30.08.2011) < watch?v=PIMy0QBSQWo> (accessed: 31.06.2022) (in English).

32. Zhang Daniel and other, ‘The AI Index 2022 Annual Report’ (AI Index Steering Committee, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford University, March 2022) <> (accessed: 31.06.2022) (in English).

33. Kontseptsiia reformuvannia kryminalnoho zakonodavstva Ukrainy (proekt) (EUAM UKRAINE, 19.10.2020) < povnyj-tekst-kontseptsiyi-reformuvannya-kk-ukrayiny.pdf> (accessed: 31.06.2022) (in Ukrainian).


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