Article | Current Trends in the Development of Legal Regulation of Digitalization Relations in the Field of Construction |
Authors |
PhD, аssociate Professor department of economic law and procedure National University "Odessa Academy of Law" (Odessa, Ukraine) Researcher ID: ORCID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2022 |
Pages | 62 - 75 |
Annotation | The article is devoted to the legal provision of digitization and digitalization of legal relations in the field of construction: the features of the introduction of information and communication technologies into the construction process, which requires the identification of characteristic features and features of the legal regulation of digitalization relations, the clarification of the socially beneficial advantages of digitalization, and the improvement of legislation aimed at the modernization of the construction complex of Ukraine through large-scale digitization of registration procedures of construction activities and its processes at all stages of the life cycle of construction objects. The purpose of the article is to research the new regulatory environment of digitalization in the construction sector, to develop theoretical foundations regarding the essence, signs of such relations, the sectoral affiliation of this direction, and to reflect the economic and legal aspects of digitalization of construction activities in the economic legislation. The analysis of digitalization relations in the field of construction shows that they do not focus exclusively on organizational and economic relations, but touch on all types of relations that mediate construction activity, while acquiring, along with traditional characteristics, new ones caused by large-scale digitalization of the economy: a feature of the subject composition (subjects of digital entrepreneurship); a feature of the object composition (availability of digital resources, including virtual objects); electronic contracts, electronic documents, risk levels, etc. The study of the components of the digital economy made it possible to conclude that the system of relations in the field of organization and implementation of construction activities has a core around which its components are formed, united, developed, and integrated, which are characterized by: electronic interaction, electronic information resources, electronic documents, information – communication technologies, virtual entities, virtual objects, risk levels, additional rights and responsibilities for construction activity participants, unique methods and means of protection. Such penetration of digitalization into every stage of construction activity requires changing not only the title of Chapter 33 of the Civil Code “Capital construction” to “Legal regulation of construction activity”, but also supplemented the Civil Code of Ukraine with new articles taking into account the legal terminology of the digital economy: “stages/phases of construction”, “life object cycle”, “digital representation of information”, “building information modeling”, etc.
Keywords | digitization; digitalization; construction activity; improvement of legal regulation; stage of construction |
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