Article | Antifragile Strategy in Cyber Security of Ukraine: Legal Aspect |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Docent, Deputy Director of the Institute (for educational and scientific work) of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute of the National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
PhD. in Law, Leading researcher of the research laboratory of information security and information-analytical activities problems of the Scientific and Organizational Center of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2022 |
Pages | 76 - 94 |
Annotation | State cybersecurity directly affects the stability of all critical areas: military, economics, foreign policy, medicine, education and more. The state, represented by the authorities, can implement effective cyberpolicies and use expensive IT systems, but if the state has lower standards of cybersecurity than our international partners, operational processes at the tactical level may be jeopardized. In fact, in this context, the role of the legal factor is paramount. The implementation of tested standards and their implementation in national legislation should be fairly rapid, as well as synchronous with the major players in the international arena. In the context of a war intensified by total digitalisation, the issues of legal regulation of data preservation, management of IT systems, rapid and effective recovery in the event of cyberattacks are becoming key resources for success in cyber warfare and countering cyberthreats. All this necessitates the search for new, more effective cybersecurity strategies. The national cybersecurity system must not only meet the challenges and threats of the environment, adapt to new conditions, but also strengthen its own capabilities in the face of unpredictability. In our opinion, one of such topical strategies may be the antifragile strategy. The aim of the article. The aim of this article is to extrapolate the main threats to cybersecurity of the state, as well as opportunities to counter them on N. Taleb’s antifragile strategy. Development on this basis of specific proposals for improving national information legislation in terms of cybersecurity of the state. The article outlines the characteristic threatening markers of the modern cyber era: 1. Propaganda took new forms both in the context of military aggression and in defense, the active dissemination of misinformation by the aggressor state, distortion of information, as well as justifying or denying the armed aggression of russia against Ukraine. 2. Vulnerability to cyber threats of critical infrastructure, communications systems, space industry, etc. 3. Emergence of new types of threats related to manipulation. 4. The real threats to the global information society and to everyone are: the militarization of cyberspace, the outbreak of large-scale information wars, the spread of extremist and manipulative materials, destructive information and psychological influences on individual, group and public consciousness, the use of artificial intelligence in the military. The article analyzes the international and national information legislation. On this basis, it is proved that the legal factor is a basic element of the cybersecurity system. In this context, Ukraine needs a number of fundamentally important areas to improve information legislation in the field of cybersecurity. It is concluded that the black swans risks and threats require cyberspace to be antifragile, the ability to renew and benefit from unexpected shocks. Today we must look for opportunities to act ahead. To do this, we will have to use a comprehensive approach that includes legal, personnel and organizational measures aimed at: analysisand assessment not only of well-known risks and threats faced by the cybersecurity system in the past, but also of those related to Black Swans, unpredictable events; development of various forecast scenarios, which seem to be the most significant for the security of states; building operational recovery programs in case of cyber threats; creation of mechanisms of active defense in cyberspace. The system of these fundamental measures will be our antifragile strategy in the face of both war and the ever-changing risks of our dynamic society. It is proved that the development of the digital environment, end-to-end digital platforms, technologies, etc. has become the foundation for the emergence and development of new social relations, which needs a clear legal regulation. At the same time, the new stage of cyber threats, demonstrated during the russianUkrainian war, requires further improvement of the strategy to counter them. The national cybersecurity system must not only effectively deter destructive actions in cyberspace, achieve cyber resilience at all levels and the interaction of all actors in cybersecurity, but also strengthen its capabilities in conditions of unpredictability and uncertainty, armed aggression against Ukraine. It should be based on a common international legal framework, the exchange of such threats in real time, the further development of partnerships at all levels: international, state and, especially, state-partnership. Priority of new approaches should be based on legal approaches to the introduction of new information and communication technologies, legal limits of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, including in the military sphere, strengthening legal responsibility for the use of cyberspace against peace, life and dignity, negative information impacts, conflict resolution, etc. The processes of technological development of the cybersphere in the coming years will tend to dynamic development in all spheres of society, especially the military, the world is unthinkable without purposeful global informatization. Therefore, information law has a prominent place as a regulator of these processes, as well as a powerful mechanism for improving the protection of social facilities from aggressive cyber influence. |
Keywords | anti-fragility; cybersecurity; cyber threats; information law; information legislation |
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