Article | Russo-Ukrainian War and Constitutional Law Transformation |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Director, Comparative Public Law and International Law Research Institute, Uzhhorod University (Uzhhorod, Ukraine), Professor, Doctor of the Ukrainian Free University (Munich, Germany) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 1 / 2023 |
Pages | 12 - 53 |
Annotation | The constitutional law transformation considered in the context of increasing the institutional capacity of the state as a security space aimed at protecting human rights. Ruscizm as an indoctrination of imperial discourse and practices is considered in the plane of reproduction of barbaric practices in relations between people and contempt for human dignity by despotism. Despite invasions and armed conflicts, the law does not disappear, in the conditions of war, repelling the aggressor, fixing his crimes and bringing the guilty to justice comes to the fore, which leads to a redistribution of resources and a change in the paradigm of state activity. Militant democracy and constitutional patriotism are an effective tool for the protection of constitutional democracy in the wartime, which is the basis of the institutional capacity of the state and the prerequisites for the establishment of network-centric (coweb) power. During a war, law and politics are not silent, but take on a different character and can be transformed depending on the scale of the armed conflict. The democratic foundations of the political process are guarantees of the continuity of the activities of the parliament and judicial institutions, as well as the accountability and control of the government, which must be institutionally effective and capable. The institutional capacity of the state is expressed in the ability of the authorities, taking into account the available resources and means, to make such decisions that can be realistically implemented and put into practice, and decisions in the conditions of war must ensure the minimum standards of space for the safety of citizens from the criminal actions of the aggressor. In these conditions, the role of integrity as an element of the integrity of a person, capable of making fair decisions even under pressure, and criteria for public officials and judges is growing, which is almost a decisive factor for the mobilization of material and military resources for the resolute repulse of the enemy in times of war.
Keywords | aggression; constitutionalism; constitutional democracy; human rights; institutional capacity of the state; protection of the constitution; war |
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