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Article Comparative Legal Concept of the Social Welfare Field in USA

Ph.D. in Law (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2023
Pages 134 - 147

Article proposed is devoted to highlighting of the US’ experience in field of social welfare, particularly, in field of resolving social disputes. Such new institutions as mediation and state mediation are analyzed. Role of the positive US’ experience in aforesaid area is emphasized.

 Definition of the “social security” concept has been clarified in respect to the financial context of payments and specifying the types of government payments that have a socialorienting nature. Composition, list and conditions for the provision of social benefits in the United States are considered. Information on the cohorts of social benefits’ recipients by age group and size division on certain types of social benefits in the United States is analyzed. Mainly features of the American social system are systematized by highlighting background for their substantiation and clarifying their essence and content. Among them are: social protection and support for family members of recipients who are affected by social risks; coverage of the social benefits system exclusively for the population that does not have the means of subsistence and opportunities for earning income; targeting and fairness of the social benefits provision; a high level of human rights awareness to receive social benefits and to use of online services for that; the presumably temporary nature of social programs for beneficiaries and the permanent nature of social payments; variety of unemployment payments. The approach to the implementation of the American experience in the Ukrainian practice of providing social benefits has been clarified by justifying of directions for the American experience implementation for each of the mainly features of the American system for providing social benefits. Among the directions to improving the Ukrainian system of providing social benefits based on the American experience, the following are highlighted: the introduction of social assistance to family members of beneficiaries who have suffered as a result of social risks; expanding the scope of social inspection and ensuring its effectiveness on confirming the right to receive social benefits; expanding the functions of electronic services in the field of providing social benefits and ensuring their efficiency work in any locality; introduction of temporary assistance programs, including ones on combating poverty targeting.


Keywords social security; social services; social work; social security disputes; social courts; state mediators; mediation; conciliation procedures; arbitration


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