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Article The Role of Economic Legislation in the Post-War Period

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Law and Economic Jurisprudence of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Research ID: rid49425

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2023
Pages 24 - 35

The article is devoted to the role of economic legislation in the post-war period. The concept of an economic system, its step-by-step transformation and the prerequisites for entering higher-level systems are revealed. Separate arguments are given in favor of the primary importance of legal regulation, which is aimed at the development of economic relations, as well as strengthening the role of the economy in order to achieve the strategic course of the state. It is emphasized that the development of social relations depends on the stable functioning of the economic system. Currently, the economic system of Ukraine is at the stage of dynamic structural development and modernization, it has passed the stage of its formation and is at the stage of integration into the European economic and world economic systems. The article analyzes individual issues of economic cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, as well as provisions of the National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030. The outline of the concept of legal regulation of economic relations, the development of relevant recommendations for the improvement of legislation and the formulation of separate theoretical conclusions are proposed in view of the meaningful nature of the categories: economic activity, economic sector, economic system, economic relations, economic legislation. The author’s definition of the economic system is proposed as a functionally and structurally defined entity that unites the branches of the economy, characterizes the national level of legal organization, which is characterized by the legislative definition of the purpose, tasks and directions of operation, the consolidation of entities that ensure the operation, use of property and the corresponding infrastructure. The author believes that the economic system materializes and unites types of economic activity by separating them at the sectoral level. Therefore, branches of the economy are subsystems, the functioning of which is ensured by the implementation of homogeneous types of economic activity. The aggregate result of the functioning of the economic system is formed at the expense of performance indicators of all subsystems. All branches of the economy together ensure the structuring of the economic system of our country according to the subject. Economic legislation can be defined as a system of normative legal acts that regulate social relations arising in connection with the functioning of the economic system of Ukraine. In view of the above, it is proposed to refer to the system of economic legislation “industry” institutions, represented by normative legal acts that regulate social relations arising in connection with the functioning of one or another branch of the economy.


Keywords economic law; economic legislation; economic activity; economic relations; economic sector; economic system; economic legislation; cooperation between Ukraine and the EU; National Economic Strategy



Authored books

1. Betliy O, Ryzhenkov M, Kravchuk K, Kravchuk V, Kosse I, Hal’ko S, Naumenko D, Movchan V, Burakovskyy I, Kuznetsova H, Ekonomichna skladova Uhody pro Asotsiatsiiu mizh Ukrainoiu ta YES: naslidky dlia biznesu, naselennia ta derzhavnoho upravlinnіa (Alfa-PIK 2014) (in Ukrainian). 2. Otroshko O, Osnovy ekonomichnoi teorii: makroekonomichnyi aspekt: navchalnyi posibnyk (Znannya 2006) (in Ukrainian).

3. Vikhrov O, Pravove rehuliuvannia hospodars’kykh vidnosyn v okremykh sferakh i haluziakh ekonomiky: navchalnyi posibnyk (Yurinkom Inter 2017) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

4. Fedorenko V (red), Osnovy ekonomichnoi teorii: pidruchnyk (2-he vyd, Alerta 2007) (in Ukrainian).

5. Muraviov V (red), Yevropeiske pravo: pravo Yevropeiskoho soiuzu: pidruchnyk, kn. druha: Materialne pravo Yevropeiskoho soiuzu (In Yure 2015) (in Ukrainian).

6. Predborskyi V (red), Ekonomichna teoriia: pidruchnyk dlia vuziv (Kondor 2003) (in Ukrainian). 7. Shcherbyna V, Rieznikova V (red), Hospodarske pravo (Zahalna chastyna): pidruchnyk (Lira-K 2021) (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

 8. Bezukh O, ‘Udoskonalennia rozuminnia hospodarskykh vidnosyn v umovakh rynkovoyi ekonomiky’ v Pershi naukovi chytannia pamiati profesora Pronskoii Hratsielly Vasylivny: Zbirnyk materialiv mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoii konferentsii (Poyedynok V, Vavzhenchuk S red, Talkom 2021) (in Ukrainian).



9. Stefanishyna O, ‘Shist rokiv vykonannіa Uhody pro asotsiatsiiu z YES: shcho maiemo i shcho dali?’ (Ukrainska pravda, 25.06.2021) < columns/2021/06/25/7298366> (in Ukrainian)


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