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Article Legal Governance of Consulting Activities of the Private Military Companies in Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Business Law and Business Process Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0001-9974-3637 Researcher ID:


Senior Associate EY Legal Services LLC (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2023
Pages 49 - 60

The full-scale military aggression of the RF against Ukraine caused the need for a thorough study of issues that have not previously been the subject of legal scientific research. One of these issues is the problem of the creation and functioning of private military companies in Ukraine, in particular, the provision of military consulting activities by such companies. It should be noted that high-quality consulting of the military sector can be one of the factors that will accelerate the victory of Ukraine, but domestic legal framework does not govern specifics of the military consulting services provision. In addition, despite the fact that Ukrainian scientists analyze certain aspects regarding functioning of the private military companies, it must be stated that the legal doctrinelacks a comprehensive analysis of the necessary legislative requirements for the creation of private military companies and their consulting activities.

The purpose of the article is analysis of the best international practices regarding creation and operation of private military companies, in particular, the study of the specifics of the military consulting services provision by such companies, as well as identification of key issues regarding the consulting activities of the respective companies that require immediate legal regulation.

The authors analyzed the origins of the development of military consulting activities and emphasized the important role of such activities during the Second World War. The problems of legislative regulation of private military companies, in particular the definition of the concept of “private military company”, types of activities that can be carried out by such companies, key elements of legal governance of activities according to international practice are studied. Attention is focused on the specifics of providing military consulting services as part of the professional activities of private military companies.

The authors considered the draft laws on military consulting activities aimed at regulating this type of activity in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of draft laws, the authors determined proposals for their improvement, namely, it was proposed: to clarify key terms (“military consulting services”, “subjects of military consulting activities”), to regulate the specifics and procedure of providing relevant services in Ukraine, as well as to establish requirements for creation and licensing of subjects of military consulting activity.


Keywords consulting activity; consulting; private military companies; military consulting activity; military consulting services; subjects of military consulting activities; economic law; economic activity




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