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Article On the Plurality of Forms of Incorporation of Business Entities as One of the Conditions for the Post-War Restoration
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2023
Pages 61 - 81

The study is devoted to economic diversity and the exercise of economic rights and freedoms of a human through the prism of the Constitution of Ukraine. It is argued that the diversity of forms of incorporation of business can be considered as achievement of the Ukrainian legal system, and this diversity is compliant with the European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement and the requirements for the adaptation of the Ukrainian legislation to the EU legislation. Preservation of economic diversity in the conditions of war and post-war restoration of the country serves as one of the guarantees of resuming the economic activity of citizens. Attention is drawn to the fact that the unification of forms of incorporation of economic entities (in fact, the denial of specific features objectively inherent in various forms) as a legislative technique cannot compete with the constitutional imperative of economic diversity, equality of subjects of ownership and economic entities. The methodological basis for the development of scientific knowledge about economic entities, the development of normative legal acts that regulate the economic life of society, judicial knowledge and decision-making of a law enforcement nature should be an economic and legal approach. The article emphasizes that, for the theory of economic law, the division of subjects of property relations into legal person and natural person is not relevant, and the recognition of a person as economic entity is not directly related to their having the status of a legal person. Instead, a specific form of incorporation makes it possible to determine the specific features of the internal relations that develop in connection with the creation, activity, and termination of a subject, and in general, such specificity reflects the specialization and differentiation of the legal regulation of individual fragments of the economic life of society. The choice of one or another form of incorporation should be determined by: 1) the form of ownership and, in some cases, the nature of the relationship between the founders, for example, family relationship, united by the capital and/or own labour (labour participation) for the purpose of an economic activity (farm enterprises); 2) the sphere of economic activity, since in order to protect public interests, the legislator can define requirements regarding the form of incorporation complying with which is a necessary prerequisite for entering the relevant market. Distinguishing a separate form of incorporation in the legislation determines the impossibility, as a general rule, of applying by analogy of law norms to different forms. In the theory of economic law, it is possible to single out as a group non-typical subjects that do not have the status of a legal entity (for example, mutual investment funds) and should be a separate object of research, since their activities are important for the postwar recovery of the country’s economy (in particular, to attract citizens’ savings into the economy through joint investment institutions, e-business development, etc.).


Keywords Constitution of Ukraine; economic rights; economic diversity; forms of incorporation; economic entity


Authored books

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Edited and translated books

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Journal articles

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