Article | Strategic Issues of Personnel Reserve Formation Under Martial Law |
Authors |
докторка юридичних наук, доцентка, доцентка кафедри податкового права Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого (Харків, Україна) ORCID ID: Researcher ID: F-5302-2019
4th year student of the faculty of Investigative and Detective Activities, Yaroslaw Mudriy National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 10 / 2023 |
Pages | 129 - 137 |
Annotation | The significant loss of the middle-aged labor force as a result of the war is a serious problem that affects the most important areas of modern society. The reform of the civil service is carried out with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the state apparatus, which will contribute to the development of civil society and the strengthening of the state. In the modern period, there is a serious shortage of proactive, goal-oriented, pragmatic and communicative specialists in the state apparatus of Ukraine. Also, the existing mechanisms for training state managers are based on outdated technologies and do not meet the needs of modern times. The main goal of this article is to justify the importance of attracting new ranks of employees to the personnel reserve in view of the modern challenges of war; finding effective methods of ensuring the optimal functioning of the management system in conditions of complex challenges and instability; development of new approaches and implementation of innovative solutions to achieve an effective result. The article examines the peculiarities of the functioning of the personnel reserve institute in Ukraine, analyzes the current legislation on this issue, and draws conclusions regarding the further reform of the personnel reserve institute under martial law. By analyzing the structural features of the personnel reserve institute, on the basis of previous research by scientists, a number of conclusions were drawn regarding the expansion of the range of subjects of the personnel reserve and a procedural path for improving national legislation was determined by outlining specific proposals for making changes to normative legal acts. The list of proposals for new approaches to the provision of personnel to state authorities based on the introduction of the institution of a personnel reserve based on the reform of national legislation is presented. In the work on this concept, the peculiarities of the formation, functioning and use of a new type of personnel reserve were considered, as well as organizational and institutional changes related to its implementation were proposed.
Keywords | civil service; personnel reserve; martial law |
References | Bibliography Journal articles 1. Akimov O, ‘Pravovi aspekty formuvannia kadrovoho rezervu derzhavnoi sluzhby’ (2014) 1 Publichne administruvannia: teoriia ta praktyka < Patp_2014_1_16> (accessed: 09.10.2023) (in Ukrainian). 2. Honcharuk N, ‘Kadrovyi rezerv yak mekhanizm formuvannia rozvytku elity v derzhavnomu upravlinni’ [2012] 3 (14) Derzhavne upravlinnia ta mistseve samovriaduvannia 97 (in Ukrainian). 3. Honcharuk N, ‘Planuvannia i rozvytok profesiinoi kar’iery kerivnoho personalu u sferi derzhavnoi sluzhby’ (2006) 3 Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Dnipropetrovskoho rehionalnoho instytutu derzhavnoho upravlinnia Natsionalnoi akademii derzhavnoho upravlinnia pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy 167–80 (in Ukrainian). 4. Mostovyi H, Babaiev V. ‘Formuvannia shtatnoho kadrovoho rezervu yak perspektyvnyi napriam zabezpechennia derzhavnoi sluzhby kadramy novoi heneratsii’ (2010) 3 Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii derzhavnoho upravlinnia pry Prezydentovi Ukrainy 239–46 (in Ukrainian). 5. Selivanov S, ‘Kadrovyi rezerv yak modernizatsiinyi mekhanizm upravlinnia liudskymy resursamy na derzhavnii sluzhbi v Ukraini’ (2022) 27 Litopys Volyni 268–73 (in Ukrainian).
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