Article | Legal Strategology: Activation of the State Creating Patriotism of the Nation Under the Migration Policy Under the Martial Law |
Authors |
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public administration and Business management Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
PhD (Law), Lawyer (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 11 / 2023 |
Pages | 68 - 85 |
Annotation | The dynamic development of society is inextricably linked with the need to determine one’s place in the global space and to set strategic and programmatic goals that allow for the activation of structural transformations taking into account both the rights and responsibilities of a particular resident. A complex mixture of objective (globalization of the world economy, territorial economic and demographic disparities, dynamism of climatic space change and rise in the level of the world ocean) and subjective reasons (in particular, limitations in the use of one’s own potential, the growth of internal aggressiveness and intolerance, a decrease in the level of tolerance) led to the formation of powerful migration flows that cross the continents of the planet Earth. The practice of various types of legal regulation of the migration flow of the population within the borders of Ukraine and beyond it determines the need for detailed consideration. The purpose of the article: on the basis of detailing the essence of migration and trends in the formation of the migration process, to highlight the specifics and possibilities of legal strategiology for the activation of state-building patriotism of the nation, based on the basic tasks of migration policy under martial law. It is substantiated for the first time that legal strategiology is a specific fundamental and applied field that identifies, investigates and synthesizes the components of the process of developing and implementing strategies in the field of law and legal activity. It is emphasized that the state migration policy is a complex system of program measures carried out under the legal and legislative auspices of the state regarding the management and regulation of migration processes. It is highlighted that the state creating patriotism of the nation (SCPN) is everything that the people in general and each citizen in particular do in the interests of creating an independent, sovereign, civilized state. It has been substantiated that with an open and balanced migration policy, when the state actively accepts foreigners and provides them with opportunities for successful integration, national unity and SCPN are strengthened. It is noted that in the conditions of martial law, the migration policy of the state should be directed to the legal aspects of ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens, which, in turn, can influence their state-building motives, effectively encourage them to intensify their manifestation of traffic accidents. Application of programmatic approaches and measures, provision of timely support and protection to citizens are important for receiving civilized wages, increasing labor productivity and strengthening their patriotic feelings and the corresponding consequent desire to stay in their native state, effectively manifesting at the levels: statecommunity-citizens, migrants. It has been proven that the legal strategiology for the activation SCPN of traffic accidents in the conditions of martial law due to migration policy also has a tangible pragmatic component, as it allows to reduce the level of the shadow economy, which means that much more financial resources will fall into the state coffers, providing additional opportunities for strengthening defense capabilities and supporting the victims from hostilities. Yes, a change of only 1 % in the level of the shadow economy in Ukraine is an additional 5.5 billion UAH in revenues to the budget.
Keywords | law; strategiology; state; migrants; migration policy; martial law; state creating patriotism of the nation; citizens; activisation |
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