Article | Legal Regulation in the Field of Combating Unauthorized Interference in the Operation of Information and Telecommunication Systems, Computer Networks or Electrical Language Networks |
Authors |
Director of TOV "Legal company Prima leader group", graduate student of the Department of Criminal and Legal Policy and Criminal Law of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Kyiv, Ukraine) |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 11 / 2023 |
Pages | 116 - 123 |
Annotation | The rapid pace of development of information and telecommunication technologies, systems and networks expands the possibilities of their use in various types of criminal and illegal activities. The increase in the number of cyberspace users contributes not only to the commission of criminal offenses against them, but also to the possibility of their participation in criminal activity, including in its organized forms. It is worth noting that the phenomenon of crime in cyberspace is quite new for our country, but at the same time it has a significant degree of social danger and can be the object of encroachment on many social relations. The armed aggression of the Russian Federation became a certain catalyst for the development of a new high-quality system of cyberspace protection of Ukraine. This primarily concerns the improvement of the existing cyber security strategy of Ukraine, as well as the introduction of changes to the existing Criminal Code of Ukraine, regarding the issue of criminal liability for socially dangerous acts committed in cyberspace.
Keywords | regulatory and legal regulation; law; information and telecommunication system; cyber terrorism; cyber threat; telecommunications expertise; computer and technical expertise |
References | Bibliography
Journal articles 1. Kurman O, ‘Kryminalistychna kharakterystyka nesanktsionovanoho vtruchannia u robotu elektronno-obchysliuvanykh mashyn (komp’iuteriv), avtomatyzovanykh system, komp’iuternykh merezh chy merezh elektrozv’iazku’ [2017] 4 (2) Nauk. visn. Kherson. derzh. un-tu. Seriia “Iuryd. nauky” 127–30 (in Ukrainian).
Websites 2. Khavroniuk M, ‘Vtruchannia v robotu informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh system: kryminalna vidpovidalnist’ (Tsentr polityko-pravovykh reform, 29.04.2022) < ua/blogs/vtruchannya-v-robotu-informatsijno-komunikatsijnyh-system-kryminalnavidpovidalnist> (accessed: 16.11.2023) (in Ukrainian). 3. ‘Ukraina ne hotova do suchasnykh kiberatak – ekspert’ (Radio svoboda, 14.12.2016) <> (accessed: 16.11.2023) (in Ukrainian). 4. ‘Ukrainski oblenerho atakuvaly virusom BlackEnergy – SShA’ (Multymediina platfor ma inomovlennia Ukrainy, 31.01.2016) < 1944263-ukrajinski-oblenergo-atakuvali-virusom-blackenergy-ssha.html> (accessed: 16.11.2023) (in Ukrainian). |
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