Article | Historical Development of Legal Relations of Land Lease |
Authors |
Lawyer (Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 11 / 2023 |
Pages | 124 - 137 |
Annotation | Social relations of hiring (leasing) property arise almost simultaneously with ownership of such property, which is why the history of lease relations goes back to ancient times. At the beginning, it is worth noting that within the framework of this study of the development of lease relations, the time period from the first mentions of the history of land use relations to the end of the Soviet era on Ukrainian lands will be analyzed. It is clear that before beginning the study of the historical development of the legal relationship of land lease, it is necessary to establish the etymology of the word “lease”. The term “rent” comes from the Latin word “arenda”, translated from the Latin language “orendo” means “rent, hire”. This position is expressed by Y. Serebryakova in her work “Lease contract of state and communal real estate”. The same opinion regarding the history of the origin of the word “rent” was expressed in the work of V. Musienko “Civil and legal aspects of the contract of lease of state and communal property”. V. Musienko notes that translated from the Latin language it means “hire”. The legal basis of land lease originates from Roman civil (agrarian) law. Thus, according to the Agrarian Law of 111 BC. large areas of land were leased to rich tenants for a fairly large rent, which had to be paid in a timely manner. This institution became especially widespread as a special form of hereditary lease called emphytheusis. Emphytheusis was understood as a real, complete, alienable and hereditary right to own and use someone else’s land and its fruits for rent with the obligation to cultivate and not deteriorate it. N. Ilkiv considers the history of the emergence of emphyteussis as a special form of hereditary lease, starting from the time of Ancient Rome.
Keywords | land lease; land ownership; emphyteusis; Ancient Greece; Ancient Rome; Soviet period; modern Ukraine; Agriculture |
References | Bibliography
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