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Article Constitutional Fundamental of Disciplinary Responsibilities of Public Officers

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Dean of Law Faculty of ZaporizhzhyaNational University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine) ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1101-8073  Research ID: M-9082-2019



Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Administrative and Business
Law of Zaporizhzhya National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Research ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2023
Pages 12 - 28

The issues of the article are determined by the discourse on the legal nature of disciplinary responsibility of civil servants, its principles, purpose and impact on the development of civil society, especially in the conditions of martial law, and the effect of restrictions provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law” (2015), the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the introduction of martial law in Ukraine” (2022) and relevant acts of the executive authorities. A special place in this discourse was occupied by the question of the constitutionality of disciplinary responsibility of civil servants in modern conditions, because the Constitution of Ukraine established that the principles of civil liability are determined exclusively by the laws of Ukraine; actions that are crimes, administrative or disciplinary offenses, and responsibility for them.

The article is aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the content and role of constitutional norms: a) in the formation of the disciplinary-tort space, b) in the interference of the constitutional principles, the principles of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”, doctrinal conclusions in increasing the effectiveness of the disciplinary responsibility of civil servants c) in the formation of integrative qualities of the system of normative provision of the disciplinary-tort segment of Ukrainian law.

The authors see that the most significant principles of constitutional nature, which are correlated with disciplinary responsibility, are: rule of law; legality; the priority of human rights; virtue; justice; inadmissibility of double liability; individual nature of disciplinary responsibility; equality of participants in disciplinary procedures before the law; presumption of innocence in the field of disciplinary responsibility; the right to protection and self-defense of persons subject to disciplinary liability; the timeliness of imposing disciplinary responsibility; culpability of the subject of responsibility (guilt).

It was they who became the subject of research as separate phenomena and as a systemic set, the integrative qualities of which determine the harmonious presence of disciplinary responsibility in the complex of means of legal influence on violations of the norms of law.


Keywords constitutional principles; disciplinary responsibility; civil servant; civil service; rule of law; legality; integrity; disciplinary offense


Authored books

1. Anishchenko T, Dystsyplinarna vidpovidalnist derzhavnoho sluzhbovtsia: vid teoriyi dystsyplinarno-deliktnoho prava do osoblyvostey zastosuvannia (Helvetyka 2023) (in Ukrainian).

2. Hubanov O, Yurydychna vidpovidalnist publichnykh sluzhbovtsiv yak instytut sluzhbovoho prava Ukrainy (Helvetyka 2020) (in Ukrainian).

3. Novak O, Pravovi zasady dystsyplinarnoi vidpovidalnosti derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv v Ukraini (Pravo 2015) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

4. Dystsyplinarno-deliktne pravo Ukrainy: navchalnyi posibnyk (Kolomoiets T, Kolpakov V red, In Yure 2016) (in Ukrainian).

5. Kolpakov V, ‘Konstytutsiino-pravovi zasady vidpovidalnosti za administratyvni prostupky’ v Pravova systema Ukrainy: istoriia, stan ta perspektyvy, t 2: Konstytutsiini zasady pravovoi systemy Ukrainy i problemy yii vdoskonalennia (Bytiak Iu red, Pravo 2008) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

6. Kolpakov V, ‘Dystsyplinarna vidpovidalnist derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv: evoliutsiia normatyvnoho rehuliuvannia’ (2016) 9 Pravo Ukrainy 79–91 (in Ukrainian).

7. Kolpakov V, ‘Rozmezhuvannia zlochyniv, administratyvnykh i dystsyplinarnykh prostupkiv’ (2009) 1 Naukovyi visnyk Kyivskoho nats. un-t. vnutr. sprav 99 (in Ukrainian).

8. Malashenkova T, ‘Pryntsypy dystsyplinarnoi vidpovidalnosti suddi u praktytsi yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny’ (2020) 4 Chasopys Kyivskoho universytetu prava 151–4 (in Ukrainian).

9. Mosondz S, ‘Fenomen pravozakonnosti yak suchasna teoretyko-pravova model’ (2015) 19 Zhurnal skhidnoievropeiskoho prava 4–10 (in Ukrainian).



10. Ivanov V, ‘Materialno-pravovi i protsesualni harantii zakonnosti prytiahnennia do administratyvnoi vidpovidalnosti’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2001) (in Ukrainian).

11. Kornuta L, ‘Dystsyplinarna vidpovidalnist derzhavnoho sluzhbovtsia v Ukraini’ (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, 2013) (in Ukrainian).

12. Maksymovych A, ‘Administratyvno-pravove rehuliuvannia dystsyplinarnoi vidpovidalnosti pratsivnykiv Derzhavnoho biuro rozsliduvan’ (dys d-ra filosofii, 2021) (in Ukrainian).

13. Sereda V, ‘Fenomen dystsyplinarnoi vidpovidalnosti v administratyvno-pravovykh vidnosynakh’ (dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2015) (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

14. Kolpakov V, ‘Protsesualnyi samozakhyst v administratyvno-deliktnomu pravi’ v Administratyvna vidpovidalnist: problemy ta shliakhy yikh podolannia Materialy kruhloho stolu (NAVS 2012) (in Ukrainian).


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