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Article The Legal Nature of the Lease Agreement for the State or Communal Land

Lawyer (Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine)

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2023
Pages 133 - 140

The main document that regulates the relationship between the lessor of the land plot and the tenant is the land lease agreement. Given the specifics of lease relationships and the specifics of the object of these relationships, contracts play a leading role in the regulation of land lease relationships. Expressing the will to enter into legal relations, the parties independently establish conditions that are mutually beneficial for both. For our part, we consider it necessary to add that, with the help of contracts, it is possible to take into account certain specific features of relations, which differ among themselves depending on different categories of land and on the parties to the legal relationship.

The purpose of the article is to clarify the legal nature of the lease agreement for the state or communal land.

The issue of the legal nature of the land lease agreement is debatable and is considered in different ways by scientists who directly or indirectly touched on this topic in their own research. There are long-standing disputes about whether to consider a land lease agreement as a type of property lease agreement that has a civil law character, or to consider it as an independent contract that has a land law character.

The author concludes that the legal nature of the land lease agreement is a type of property lease agreement, which is subsidiarily regulated by the norms of civil law in the part not regulated by land law. This agreement is consensual, temporary, paid, and bilateral. Even though the obligation nature of this agreement testifies to the comprehensiveness of the institute in the direction of civil law, most of the normative regulation of land lease relations today is carried out by land law.


Keywords land lease; land legislation; employment contract; material world; land law; civil law; ecological value; legal tools


Authored books

1. Ilkiv N, Orenda zemel silskohospodarskoho pryznachennia v Ukraini: teoretychni y praktychni aspekty (LvDUVS 2008) (in Ukrainian).

2. Miroshnychenko A, Marusenko R, Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar Zemelnoho kodeksu Ukrainy: (za stanom normatyvno-pravovykh aktiv ta sudovoi praktyky na 15 sichnia 2009 roku) (Pravova yednist 2009) (in Ukrainian).

3. Orach Ye, Tyshyk B, Osnovy rymskoho pryvatnoho Prava: navchalnyi posibnyk (Red-vyd viddil Lvivskoho universytetu 2000) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

4. Hospodarskyi kodeks Ukrainy: Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar (vydannia druhe, dopovnene ta pereroblene, Kharytonova O red, Odissei 2008) (in Ukrainian).

5. Tsyvilne pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk 2 kn 2 (Dzera O, Kuznietsova N red, 2-e vyd, dopov i pererob, Yurikom Inter 2005) (in Ukrainian).



 6. Slovnyk inshomovnykh sliv (Melnychuk O red, 1974).


Journal articles

7. Chernomorec A, ‘Ob osnovnyh napravlenijah razvitija zemelnogo prava i sovershenstvovanija zemel’nogo zakonodatelstva’ (1995) 6 Vestnik MGU. Serija 11 “Pravo” 44 (in Russian).

8. Golichenkov A, Lukina E, ‘Problemy jekologicheskogo, zemelnogo prava i zakonodatelstva v sovremennyh uslovijah (Obzor vystuplenij uchastnikov nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii “Sofrino-4”)’ (1999) 2 Gosudarstvo i pravo 45 (in Russian).

 9. Shul’ga M, ‘Pravovoe obespechenie otnoshenij arendy zemli’ (1997) 4 Predprenimatelstvo, hazjajstvo i pravo 25 (in Russian).

10. Tytova N, ‘Do kontseptsii novoho osnovnoho zemelnoho zakonu Ukrainy’ (2000) 4 Pravo Ukrainy 72 (in Ukrainian).

11. Usenko Ja, ‘O porjadke vozvrashhenija celostnyh imushhestvennyh kompleksov posle okonchanija arendy’ (1998) 42 Biznes 27 (in Russian).



12. Borshchevskyi I, ‘Dohovir naimu (orendy) nerukhomoho maina’ (dys kan yuryd nauk, 2004) 57 (in Ukrainian).

13. Parkhomenko N, ‘Dohovir u systemi prava Ukrainy’ (dys kan yuryd nauk, 1998) 46 (in Ukrainian).


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