Article | The System of Disciplinary Sanctions as a Guarantee of Provision of Service and Labor Discipline |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Civil, Economic and Environmental Law of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Dnipro University of Technology (Dnipro, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Scopus Author ID: 57215790362
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 12 / 2023 |
Pages | 29 - 39 |
Annotation | The article examines the problem of applying and choosing an appropriate disciplinary sanction through the prism of the need to comply with the requirements of service and labor discipline. It is determined that the study of the issue of the system of disciplinary sanctions in the field of public service is associated with the need to both establish their normatively fixed list and clarify the issue of the system of guarantees that should certify the observance of the rights of public servants when they are applied. The purpose of the article is to implement the characteristics of the system of disciplinary sanctions as a guarantee of the system for ensuring service and labor discipline in order to optimize the approach to overcoming the prevention of corruption. The research methods define: the dialectical method, which is the basis for establishing the functional content of the system of disciplinary sanctions in the system of guarantees for ensuring compliance with the requirements of service and labor discipline; methods of formal logic (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis), which made it possible to systematically characterize the types of disciplinary sanctions and identify the problems of their application; a modeling method that made it possible to establish certain directions for optimizing the processes of passing public service. It was found that the means of ensuring service discipline are: a set of organizational measures, which consist in creating conditions for the manifestation and formation of professional qualities of a person at the highest level by the leadership of the authority; a set of internal factors in the formation of a person’s conscious conviction about the need to comply with the requirements of the internal labor regulations and acts of regulation of official activity; a set of external control factors that require the leadership of the authority to respond to offenses on the part of the employee by initiating disciplinary proceedings and applying disciplinary measures if necessary. It is concluded that the application of one or another disciplinary sanction should be associated with the creation of alternative conditions, which should reflect the nature of the committed disciplinary act, leave a certain choice for the law enforcer to guarantee an objective consideration of the disciplinary case.
Keywords | disciplinary proceedings; disciplinary sanctions; disciplinary offenses; law enforcement; public service; service and labor discipline |
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