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Article Copyright v. Owner’s Right in the Context of Right of Access
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2023
Pages 144 - 160

Considering the lack of conventional grounds for the existence in the legislation of Ukraine of the author’s right to access their work embodied in things belonging to the owner, the non-standard nature of such a right is evident, which should be perceived not as a limitation of ownership, but as an encumbrance thereof. This means that the relations that arise between the author of the work and the owner of the thing in which such work is embodied are binding and legal. Moreover, these binding legal relations are of an active type, which is pivotal for the legal and material essence of such legal relations.

In view of the position of the norm on the right of access in the system of Ukraine’s copyright legislation, the national legislator appears to show a measure of uncertainty in determining the legal nature of this right. Taking into account the established view of the right of access as a personal non-property right, which is due, among other things, to the influence of the German philosophy of law, it is suggested that it should still be perceived as a sui generis right, its place being in the system of the copyright-related rights, and its role consisting in ensuring an ideal connection between the author and their work.

Attention is drawn to the peculiar disproportionality of this encumbrance, including due to the fact that under the Ukrainian copyright legislation, it is only works of fine art that are subject to such encumbrance, although nothing prevents it from being extended to works of decorative and applied art.

It is concluded that the right of access to the work is inherently obligatory, and exercise thereof cannot be denied to the author of the work (naturally, with due consideration for the rather meager legal interests of the owner of the thing) because the encumbrance established by the legislator is intended to protect the good of a higher order – copyright – because of its vulnerability.

The purpose of the article is to provide practical advice on the implementation by the author and the owner, respectively, of their rights and legally protected interests in the context of the right of access to the work.


Keywords copyright; ownership; right of access to the work; encumbrance of ownership; works of fine art


Authored books

 1. Voigtländer R, Elster A, Kleine H, Die Gesetze, betreffend das Urheberrecht an Werken der Literatur und der Tonkunst sowie an Werken der bildenden Kunst und der Photographie. Kommentar (4 Auflage, 2017 Sammlung Guttentag) (in German).

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4. Maidanyk R, Rechove pravo: pidruchnyk (Alerta 2019) (in Ukrainian).

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6. Michurin E, Osushhestvlenie i ogranichenie imushhestvennyh prav (Jurist 2011) (in Russian).

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Edited books

 9. Schulze G, ‘ZugangzuWerkstücken’ v Dreier T, Schulze G, Urheberrechts-DiensteanbieterGesetz, Verwertungsgesellschaftengesetz, Nebenurheberrecht, Kunsturhebergesetz. Kom mentar (6 Auflage. 2018, C.H.BECK Verlag) (in German).

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Journal articles

12. Thomas Merrill, ‘Accession and Original Ownership’ [2009] 1 (2) Journal of legal Analysis 459–510 (in English).

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16. Samsin R, ‘Pravo sliduvannia v avtorskomu pravi Ukrainy ta krain-chleniv YeS: porivnialno-pravova kharakterystyka’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2016) (in Ukrainian).


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