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Article Law Understanding – the Conceptual and Methodological Foundation of the Formation and Development of Law Doctrine (Based on the Materials of the 2021–2023 Journal Discussion)

Doctor of Law, Professor, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:



Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko  (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:



Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor (Lviv, Ukraine) Researcher ID E-4713-2016



Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2023
Pages 18 - 33

In Ukrainian jurisprudence, the issue of the formation and development of law doctrine has been brought up recently, an issue that constantly remains in the field of attention of the world legal community.

The purpose of the proposed article is to provide the author’s interpretation of the general concept of law doctrine and demonstrate the role of law understanding as a conceptual and methodological foundation for the formation and development of the latter.

In view of the multiplicity of legal phenomena “lawfulness” and “legality” can hardly be considered as their single-meaning characteristics. The property of “legality” can be associated only with those social phenomena that are the result of the state’s manifestationof will, the power-regulatory activity of state bodies. From such positions, only such doctrine, which is directly pronounced, supported, and used by governmental bodies in their legal and regulatory practice, will be considered legal. The basis of the given interpretation of legal doctrine is the understanding of law as established or sanctioned by the state, while among other types of law understandings, in particular, “natural” or sociological, state-regulatory activity is most often not mentioned at all.

It seems reasonable to consider a law doctrine as a complete, logically agreed, dynamic system of worldview-conceptual views of a general, instructive-directive nature regarding such human life activity, the concept of which is denoted by the term “lawful”. Given the well-known historical pluralism of law understanding, the pluralism of law doctrines is and, obviously, will be insurmountable in the future.

The conceptual distinction between law and legal doctrines in itself does not disprove the fact that both of the just mentioned types of doctrines can have their own socionecessary and conceptual sources of plurality, one way or another. Instead, the conceptual basis for a monistic, unified interpretation of the concept of legal doctrine today, as before, is only a state-centric approach to the understanding of law.


Keywords doctrine, law understanding, law doctrine, legal doctrine; lawfulness; legality


Authored books

1. Schlag P, Griffin A, How to Do Things with Legal Doctrine (University of Chicago Press 2020) (in English).

2. Rabinovych P M, Osnovy teorii ta filosofii prava: navchalnyi posibnyk (Medytsyna i pravo 2021) (in Ukrainian).

3. Rabinovych S P, Pryrodno-pravovi pidkhody v yurydychnomu rehuliuvanni (Lvivskyi derzhavnyi universytet vnutrishnikh sprav 2010) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

4. Guillén-Nieto V, ‘4 Critical discourse analysis’ in Hate Speech: Linguistic Perspectives (De Gruyter Mouton 2023) 59–84 (in English).

5. Kammerhofer J, ‘The interaction of doctrine and theory in (international) legal scholarship’ in Gorobets K, Hadjigeorgiou A, Westerman P (eds), Conceptual (Re) Constructions of International Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2022) 9–26 (in English).6. M ackor A R, ‘Legal doctrine is a non-normative discipline: An argument from abstract object theory’ in Facts and Norms in Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2016) 127–49 (in English).

7. ‘Legal Doctrine and Legal Theory’ in Roversi C (eds), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence (Springer, Dordrecht 2005) vol 4, 814–42 (in English).

 8. Priel D, ‘Legal Realism and Legal Doctrine’ in Chiassoni P, Spaić B (eds), Judges and Adjudication in Constitutional Democracies: A View from Legal Realism. Law and Philosophy Library (Springer, Cham 2021) vol 135(in English).

9. Pravova doktryna Ukrainy, t 1: Zahalnoteoretychna ta istorychna yurysprudentsiia (Petryshyn O zah red, Pravo 2013) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

10. Beckers A, ‘EU Law’s Dark Private Legal Space: Researching Private Regulators and the Importance of Legal Doctrine’ [2022] 18 (4) European Constitutional Law Review 657–81 (in English).

11. Towfigh Emanuel V, ‘Empirical arguments in public law doctrine: Should empirical legal studies make a “doctrinal turn”?’ International Journal of Constitutional Law [2014] 12 (3) 670–91 (in English).

12. Panov M, ‘Pravova doktryna ta yii znachennia dlia praktyky pravotvorennia, pravozastosuvannia i rozvytku yurydychnoi nauky: metodolohichni aspekty doslidzhennia’ (2022) 1 Pravo Ukrainy 9–22 (in Ukrainian).

13. Rabinovych P, ‘Pravovist antropo-sotsialnykh yavyshch: filosofski zasady identyfikatsii’ (2019) 1 Filosofiia prava i zahalna teoriia prava 32–40 (in Ukrainian).

14. Tepliuk M, Yushchyk O, ‘Iurydychna doktryna Ukrainy: do vyznachennia poniattia’ (2022) 10 Pravo Ukrainy 59–69 (in Ukrainian).

15. Yushchyk O, ‘Iurydychna doktryna Ukrainy: aktualnist i naukovo-metodolohichni osnovy’ (2021) 2 Pravo Ukrainy 13–28 (in Ukrainian).


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