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Article Legitimacy, Legality and Legal Certainty in Modern Political and Legal Reality 2022–2023

PhD in law, associate professor, Docent of the intellectual property law and information law department Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)  ORCID ID: https://orcid.orq|0000-0003-0529-2551 Researcher Id:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2023
Pages 54 - 71

Besides the military problems caused by Russian-Ukrainian war, started in 2022, the further occupation of several Ukrainian regions resulted in existence of the two legal systems – the Ukrainian that was enacted previously and the one that was formed by the occupation administration. Appointment of the officials, conducting illegal referendums, adoption of the legal acts and local regulations, forming of the local occupation administration is frequently justified using the word “legality”. The article is devoted to analysis of the term “legality”, and the conclusion is made that there is a difference in using this term for democratic and nondemocratic countries. If we use “legality” in democratic countries it is pretended that the form of legal act provides for meeting the other democratic requirements, while in nondemocratic countries it means just the legal form itself. While the occupation takes place in Ukraine as well as in the other nondemocratic countries, “legality” could mean only “legal form of the act”. It should be regarded as so in the war times and cannot mean an act which is enacted according to the legal principles automatically. This situation puts the citizens before the choice of what acts to recognize and to obey. The examples are given on how Ukraine makes efforts to settle legal relations on the occupied territories and acts in contradictory circumstances, regarding the generally recognized principles of law. One of them is the legal certainty principle.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the category “legality”, “legitimacy” and “legal certainty” in contemporary Ukrainian situation.

To achieve this goal the system-structural method was used together with the comparative, method of analysis and synthesis, formal-logical method and the generalization method.

As the result of the research made it is stated that some of the aspects of legal certainty principle, such as clarity, sequence of the legal regulation, stability and predictability of the legal norms are under the threat in the times of war, and one of the most affecting is the demand of the legitimate expectations. Terms “legality” and “legitimacy” are frequently used by the occupying power in order to justify their actions and to make them look like legal acts. Although, just the form itself does not mean that the legal act meets all the principles and requirements of law. The arguments are given to distinguish “legality” in democratic and nondemocratic countries. It is stated that legal form is not enough in nondemocratic states to make the act legal, so “legality” should be regarded just as a form of the legal act. While in democratic countries “legality” means not only the form but the requirements to the law, basically, in accordance with its principles.


Keywords legality; legitimacy; legal certainty; principles of law; rule of law; legitimate expectations


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