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Article Deprivation of Citizenship: a Dilemma or a Problem-Phenomenon?

Prof.Dr.hab., Theory of Law and Constitutionalism Department National University ‘Lviv Polytechnic’, Lviv, Ukraine;; IV Edizione del programma di Ateneo Visiting Professor a.a. 2022/2023, Macerata, Italy; ORCID 0000-0002-3853-7626


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2023
Pages 72 - 86

In this article, i focus primarily on modern, relevant modes of loss of citizenship; partly, they are enshrined in the European Convention on Citizenship (1997). Among existing citizenship termination modes, we enlist further: release or renunciation, loss or lapse, deprivation or withdrawal, either revocation, denaturalization, and cancellation or nullification of citizenship. Usually, citizenship termination modes depend on the exact mode (pathway) and time of citizenship acquisition, the number of simultaneously possessed citizenships (passports) of a person, and the place of permanent residence (in-country or abroad).

The article’s primary purpose is to justify the necessity for a clear distinction and delimitation of citizenship termination modes. Therefore, we should discuss and initiate suitable amendments to alter relevant national legislation regarding citizenship issues on citizenship termination modes, considering civilizational values, European standards, and political and legal challenges of today.

The concept of citizenship, citizenship acquisition, and termination modes at the beginning of 2023 is particularly fragile and relevant. The fact that some highly-ranked public officers possess dual (multiple) nationalities (if one of them corresponds to the country-aggressor) is not even a challenge but a threat to the national security of Ukraine. Such people who are public officers, work for law enforcement agencies, exercise stateauthority powers, and have access to state security, treasury, and secrets, create a dilemma regarding loyalty to Ukraine, specifically during the declared ‘state of emergency’ or another extraordinary regime. What legal algorithm is applied when a citizen is disloyal?

Another facet of this issue concerns the regulation of (in)voluntary change of citizenship resulting in latent dual (multiple) citizenships of persons who lived (live) in the annexed and (temporarily) occupied territory of Ukraine, starting from March 2014. Relevant national legislation regarding citizenship issues should focus on citizenship termination modes in such conditions. Alternative (in)voluntary citizenship acquisition modes (naturalization, option, or transfer) by persons who lived in the annexed and (temporarily) should result in the exact, proportionate, and justifiable pathway of its termination.


Keywords dual (multiple) citizenship; termination of citizenship; release from (renunciation of) citizenship; loss/lapse of citizenship; deprivation/withdrawal/revocation of citizenship; nullification/cancellation of acquisition of citizenship; denaturalization


Authored books

1. Prener Ch, Denationalisation and Its Discontents: Citizenship Revocation in the 21st Century: Legal, Political and Moral Implications (Brill Nijhoff 2022) (in English).

2. Sofinska I, Filisofs’ko-pravova visija doktryny hromadjanstwa: monohrafiia (Kamenjar 2018) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

3. Shachar A and others (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship (online edn, Oxford Academic 2017). (in English).

4. Analitychna dopovid do shchorichnoho poslannia Prezydenta Ukrainy do Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy “Pro vnutrishnie ta zovnishnie stanovyshche Ukrainy v 2018 rotsi” (Natsionalnyi instytut stratehichnykh doslidzhen 2018) (in Ukrainian).

5. “Zakon “Pro hromadianstvo Ukrainskoi Narodnoi Respubliky” (2 bereznia 1918 roku)’ v Zbirka normatyvno-pravovykh aktiv z pytan hromadianstva Ukrainy (1918–2000) (Andriienko V, Brytchenko S, Subotenko V, Chekhovych S uporiadnyky, Kontynent 2000) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

6. Herzog B, ‘The Revocation of Citizenship in Israel’ [2010] 25 (1) Israel Studies. Forum 57–72 (in English).

7. Shachar A, ‘Gated citizenship’ [2022] 26:4-5 Citizenship Studies 625–37. 10.1080/13621025.2022.2091247 (in English).

8. Sharp D, ‘Immigration, Naturalization, and the Purpose of Citizenship’ (2023) Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. (in English).

9. Tripkovic M, ‘Renouncing criminal citizens: Patterns of denationalization and citizenship theory’ [2022] 25 (2) Punishment & Society. 363–85. https://doi. org/10.1177/14624745221080705 (in English).

10. Tripkovic M, ‘Transcending the boundaries of punishment: On the nature of citizenship deprivation’ [2021] 61 (4) British Journal of Criminology 1044–65 (in English).

11. van Waas L, ‘Nationality Matters: Statelessness under International Law’ (2008) 29 School of Human Rights Research Series 21 (in English).


Conference papers

12. Autem M, ‘The European Convention on Nationality: is a European Code on Nationality possible?’ in 1st European Conference on Nationality “Trends and Developments in National and International Law on Nationality” (1999) 19–34 (in English).


Research papers

13. Harpaz Y, Herzog B, ‘Report on Citizenship Law: Israel’ (2018) 2 GLOBALCIT-CR <https:// pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y> (accessed: 06.03.2023) (in English).



14. Dembour M-B, ‘Ramadan v. Malta: When will the Strasbourg Court understand that nationality is a core human rights issue?’ (Strasbourg Observers, 22.07.2016) <https://> (accessed: 06.03.2023) (in English).

15. Sofinska I, ‘Ten steps in the (re)construction of post-war Ukraine (legal and political dimensions)’ (Ariel University, 24.06.2022) < sample-page/ten-steps-in-the-reconstruction-of-post-war-ukraine-legal-and-politicaldimensions> (accessed: 06.03.2023) (in English).

16. Yudkivska А. ‘JESPL: pozbavlennja hromadjanstwa ljudyny ne porushuje standartiw Rady Jewropy’ (Europejs’ka prawda, 22.06.2016) (in Ukrainian).

17. ‘Zakon pro hromadianstvo Ukrainskoi Derzhavy (2 lypnia 1918 roku)’ <http://www.> (accessed: 06.03.2023) (in Ukrainian).



18. Vink M, van der Baaren L, Bauböck R, Honohan I, Manby B, GLOBALCIT Citizenship Law Dataset (Research Data, 2021, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies) <> (accessed: 06.03.2023) (in English).


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