Article | Principle of Procedural Economy: Legality and Judicial Discretion (Formulation of the Problem) |
Authors | OLEG TKACHUK |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 3 / 2023 |
Pages | 87 - 100 |
Annotation | The most relevant issues in the law enforcement practice of the Supreme Court are examined. The place and role of procedural principles (fundamental basis of the judiciary) in the formation of legal conclusions of the courts of cassation of Ukraine are clarified. Capability introducing the principle of procedural economy in the judiciary through the use of alternative dispute resolution and the system of pre-trial settlement of disputes as the primary and priority judicial facilities is proved. The real implementation of the idea of the “electronic court” will also contribute Unified Judiciary Information Telecommunication System (UJITS) the introduction of this principle. It was concluded that the performance of outlined steps as able to ensure the achievement of the key goal of improving the national judicial system: to make state judicial protection fair, predictable, fast, effective and accessible by reducing the workload of courts and nonjudicial dispute and conflict resolution. The opinion is substantiated that the principle of procedural economy in the theory of law embodies an idea that should be implemented in the judicial system of the state through the development of a complete dispute resolution procedure. Harmonised introduction of the principle of procedural economy into civil, economic and administrative (industry) procedural norms needs the will of the legislator and different from proposed by the courts approach are required. Reconciliation of such legal category as “principle of procedural economy” with the other principles of judicial proceedings will contribute to the elimination of uncharacteristic simplifications of the process and further improvement of mechanisms of judicial protection. When application of named non-legitimised principle in modern judicial practice is used in court sessions, it is most likely interpreted as a mix of different principles, combined and implemented in various combinations that depend on the specific circumstances of the case, the methods used by the parties to achieve their goal in the process of proof. At the same time, the mention of such principle in court decisions is, in our opinion, unacceptable and redundant, and only indicates an attempt to strengthen certain arguments of judicial discretion and, as a result, the court decision with statements about the need to ensure procedural economy.
Keywords | principles of procedural law; judicial system; civil process; judicial discretion; legal positions of the Supreme Court |
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