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Article In Search of the Grounds of Human Rights: to Discussions in Modern Ukrainian Jurisprudence

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law Ivan Franko Lviv National University, chief researcher Lviv Laboratory of Human and Citizen Rights Research Institute of State Construction and Local Self-Government of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

(Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2023
Pages 19 - 32

The justification of human rights belongs to the main and most discussed problems of modern philosophical anthropology of law.

The proposed article aims to reveal the problematic theoretical and methodological aspects of the justification of human rights in Ukrainian jurisprudence based on the materials of the most representative concepts of such justification over the past twenty years.

 On the basis of the analysis of the mentioned concepts, it is demonstrated that the classical universalist justifications of human rights are primarily presented in Ukrainian legal opinion. To one degree or another, they rely on the ontological strategies, which derive such justification from the conditions of human coexistence in society or from the essence (nature) of man.

 It is proved that the substantiation of human rights is not only an academic problem, but also a defense of politically significant theses, which indirectly relate to the specific conditions of the post-Soviet economic and social development of Ukraine. Disagreements between the concepts concern, in particular, such an important issue as the principles of human-society relations and the duties of the state to man. Implicitly, it is about the scope of the state’s obligations to eliminate existing social inequalities.

The range of positions supported by those participants in legal debates in Ukraine who recognize the existence of anthropological foundations of natural human rights are marked by: a) the interests (needs) of preserving human existence; and b) the desire to realize the god-like essence of man. The first position visualizes, first of all, a “modest” legal anthropology and the classic liberal-individualistic claim for a “minimum of the state”. However, the interests of preserving human existence include, in particular, its socio-economic interests, which takes this position beyond the boundaries of classical liberalism. The second position represents “maximalist” anthropological views of a religious orientation.


Keywords justification of human rights; foundations of human rights; liberalism; minimalist (“modest”) legal anthropology; maximalist legal anthropology; ontological strategies of justification of human rights; deontological strategies of justification of human rights



Authored books

1. Gewirth A, Human Rights: Essays on Justification and Applications (University of Chicago Press 1982) (in English).

2. Kostenko O M, “Novi ochi” dlia novoho chasu (pro sotsialnyi naturalizm) (Teren 2022) (in Ukrainian).

3. Kostenko O M, Kultura i zakon u protydii zlu (Atika 2008) (in Ukrainian).4. Maksimov S I, Pravovaja real’nost’: opyt filosofskogo osmyslenija (Pravo 2002) (in Russian).

5. Rabinovych P M, Osnovy teorii ta filosofii prava: navch. posibnyk (Medytsyna i pravo 2021) (in Ukrainian).

6. Stovba O V, Pravo i chas (Tim Pablish Hrup 2016) (in Ukrainian).

7. Timush I S, Intehralnyi pohliad na pravo (Atika 2009) (in Ukrainian).


Edited and translated books

8. Gosepat Sh, Lomann H (red), Filosofiia prav liudyny: zbirnyk (per z nim, Nika-Tsentr 2008) (in Ukrainian).

9. Dvorkin R, Serioznyi pohliad na prava (per z anhl, Osnovy 2000) (in Ukrainian).

10. Stovba O V, ‘Fundamentalna ontolohiia pravosuddia’ v Berniukov A M ta inshi, Pravosuddia: filosofske ta teoretychne osmyslennia (2009) 90–115 (in Ukrainian).



11. Satokhina N I, ‘Obgruntuvannia prav liudyny’ v Velyka ukrainska yurydychna entsyklopediia, t 2: Filosofiia prava (Pravo 2017) 534–9 (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

12. Hart H L A, ‘Are there any natural rights?’ (1955) 64 Philosophical Review 175–91 (in English). 13. Aleksi R, ‘Isnuvannia prav liudyny’ (2011) 8 Pravo Ukrainy 121–30 (in Ukrainian).

14. Bulygin E, ‘K probleme obosnovanija prav cheloveka’ (2006–2007) IV–V Problemi fіlosofії prava 149–52 (in Russian).

15. Holovatyi S P, ‘Triada yevropeiskykh tsinnostei – verkhovenstvo prava, demokratiia, prava liudyny’ (2015) 1 Pravo Ukrainy 16 (in Ukrainian).

16. Horn N, ‘Prava liudyny: filosofske obgruntuvannia ta yurydychnyi vymir’ (2013) 2 Filosofiia prava i zahalna teoriia prava 13–32 (in Ukrainian).

17. Ivakin A A, ‘Razmyshlenija o substancional’nom edinstve material’nogo i ideal’nogo’ (2009) VIII Naukovі pracі Odes’koї nacіonal’noї juridichnoї akademії 33 (in Russian).

18. Ivakin O A, ‘Sutnist liudyny yak pidstava zmistovnoho traktuvannia pryrodnoho prava’ (2007) 36 Aktualni problemy derzhavy i prava 6–10 (in Ukrainian).

19. Rabinovych P M, ‘Sotsialno-pryrodna pravova systema suspilstva (sproba zahalnoteoretychnoi kharakterystyky)’ [2008] 1 (21) Ukrainske pravo 58–9 (in Ukrainian).

20. Rabinovych P, ‘Osnovopolozhni prava liudyny termino-poniattievyi instrumentarii doslidzhennia ta vykladannia’ (2015) 2 Pravo Ukrainy 9–23 (in Ukrainian).

21. Satokhina N I, ‘Obgruntuvannia prav liudyny: rekonstruktsiia problemy’ [2016] 1 (28) Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu “Iurydychna akademiia Ukrainy imeni Yaroslava Mudroho” 119–27 (in Ukrainian).



22. Stovba O V, ‘Temporalna ontolohiia prava’ (avtoref dys d-ra yuryd nauk, 2017) (in Ukrainian).


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