Article | Weighting and Balancing of Human Rights as a Method of Legal Reasoning |
Authors |
candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2023 |
Pages | 33 - 50 |
Annotation | Since human rights are articulated as standards, they cannot be applied through legal qualification of facts. To justify the application of human rights standards, weighting and balancing of competing interests inherent in human rights is necessary. In the legal doctrine weighing and balancing is considered as a method of legal reasoning that differs from and is additional to the legal qualification of facts (the so-called subsumption). Since research of weighing and balancing of human rights as a method of legal reasoning has not been provided yet in Ukrainian legal theory, the purpose of this article is to fill this gap. The author concluded that there is no a clear vision of the subject-matter of weighing and balancing in the legal doctrine. Both legal principles and human rights as well as arguments are reasonably considered to the subject-matter of weighting and balancing. Human rights function as legal principles in terms of their application. Comparable features inherent in the legal principle or human right should be weighted, namely: the interests incorporated in each of the competing human rights; values incorporated into each of the competing legal principles; the consequences of giving preference to one or another of the competing legal principles or human rights. Otherwise, such weighing becomes false. The particular steps and patterns of weighting and balancing of human rights are under consideration. It is stated that Ukrainian courts mainly follow the European Court of Human rights providing balancing test to evaluate whether the inference into a particular human right had basis in law and whether it could be justified by legitimate aim and was necessary in democratic society. However, the weighing and balancing of human rights is not limited to this proportionality test. The author examines doctrinal views of balancing test stages, which can be used to seek a balance of competing interests inherent in human rights.
Keywords | human rights; subsumption; weighing and balancing; legal reasoning |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Dworkin R, Taking Rights Seriously (Duckworth 1978) (in English). 2. Feteris E, Fundamentals of Legal Argumentation. Survey of Theories on the Justification of Judicial Decisions (2-nd ed, Springer 2017) (in English). 3. MacCormick N, Rhetoric and the Rule of Law. A Theory of Legal Reasoning (Oxford University Press 2010) (in English). 4. MacCormick N, Summers R, Interpreting statutes. A comparative study (Dartmouth 1991) (in English). 5. Peszenik A, On Law and Reason (Springer Science+Business Media 1989) (in English).
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Theses 17. Kistianyk V, ‘Sudova argumentatsiia: osoblyvosti, porivnialnyi analiz ta vitchyzniana i zarubizhna praktyka’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2021) (in Ukrainian).
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