Article | Reproductive Rights in European Union: Perspectives of Legal Protection Improvement |
Authors |
candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of the Lviv Laboratory of Human and Citizen Rights of the Research Institute of State Construction and Local Self-Government of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, associate professor of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)
researcher of the research laboratory of theoretical problems of human rights at the Faculty of Law Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2023 |
Pages | 69 - 84 |
Annotation | Realization of the provisions of the agreement on association with EU requires from Ukraine mastering human rights and freedoms legal standards of this international entity. System of human rights protection of the EU came through prolonged way of setting and formation: from primary rejection of necessity of such basic freedoms recognition to adoption of separate international act – Charter of Fundamental Rights of EU, that is endowed with legal power of the Founding Treaties of EU. But even today notwithstanding long history of development, under the influence of the latest tendencies of basic freedoms development, namely inception and development of the so-called fourth generation of human rights, the human rights protection of EU needs its further development. Thus, growing attention to the necessity of legal protection of reproductive rights gains its appropriate recognition in the EU law. Thus, the aim of the article is researching general features, as well as problems of legal protection of the reproductive rights in EU bearing in mind the aim of efficient approximation of the legislation of Ukraine to that of the EU. The article researches Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU as fundamental legal instrument of human rights protection in this formation, as well as perspectives of reproduction right protection improvement taking into account possibilities of joining European Union to the European Convention on human rights.
Keywords | reproductive rights; European Union; Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; Charter of Fundamental Rights of European Union |
References | Bibliography
Authored books 1. Dobrianskiy S, Actual Problems of the General Theory of Human Rights (Astron 2006) (in Ukrainian).
Edited books 2. Bucela S B, Mendjul M V (red), Chetverte pokolinnja prav ljudunu: osobluvosti pravovogo reguljuvannja, problem ta perspectuvu rozvytku y sferi ohoronu zdorovja (Hoverla 2020) (in Ukrainian). Journal articles 3. Dobrianskyi S, ‘Prava liudyny u Yevropeiskomu Soiuzi: mozhlyvosti udoskonalennia yurydychnoho harantuvannia’ (2019) 6 Pravo Ukrainy 34–9 (in Ukrainian).
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