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Article Constitutional Jurisprudence (Official Constitutional Doctrine) in Ukraine: Problems of Establishment

Doctor of Science of Law,  Full Professor, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs and Strategic Development Professor, Department of Constitutional Law of Ukraine, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:



Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID: HZH-6018-2023


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2023
Pages 53 - 69

Despite the fact that the body of constitutional justice has been functioning in Ukraine for quite a long period of time, the question of the nature and essence of constitutional jurisprudence (official constitutional doctrine) is still a subject of debate for the domestic scientific community. At the same time, the world discourse on this issue revolves around the fact that modern constitutional courts create law, and constitutional jurisprudence, as a result of their activity, significantly affects the development of national socio-political systems. In this article, we tried to analyze what constitutional jurisprudence is today, what is its nature and the main problems of its development in Ukraine. The search for answers to these questions required the analysis of several related questions of a methodological nature: regarding the essence of the constitution, the system of sources of constitutional law and the place of constitutional jurisprudence in it.

Since the concept of official constitutional doctrine is quite actively developing in Lithuania, we devoted special attention to the analysis of the Lithuanian experience, where the constitution is understood as “constitutional law”, which includes, in addition to the official constitutional text, interpretative acts of the Constitutional Court.

Considering the isolated properties of constitutional jurisprudence, we tried to look at its formation in Ukraine through the prism of national characteristics. As a result, it was found that its formation was negatively affected, first of all, by long-standing approaches in academic doctrine, in particular, the “Soviet” approach to understanding the sources of constitutional law, which led to the downplaying of the role of constitutional jurisprudence.

In addition, we analyzed some defects in the formation of the domestic official constitutional doctrine. Characterizing the current stage of the development of the official constitutional doctrine in Ukraine, it can be stated that, in general, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has formed the methodological and axiological foundations of its jurisprudence. Particularly valuable from the point of view of axiological content are the latest decisions adopted by the Court already after the beginning of Russia’s full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine, which clearly articulate constitutional values and their fundamental nature.


Keywords constitutional jurisprudence; official constitutional doctrine; constitutional court; constitutional justice; constitutionalism


Authored books

1. Benvindo J Z, On the Limits of Constitutional Adjudication: Deconstructing Balancing and Judicial Activism (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010) (in English).

2. Florczak-Wątor M, Judicial Law-Making in European Constitutional Courts (1st ed, Taylor and Francis 2020) (in English).

3. Kosar D, Vyhnánek L, The Constitution of Czechia: a Contextual Analysis (Hart Publishing 2021) (in English).

 4. McBain H L, The Living constitution, a consideration of the realities and legends of our fundamental law (The McMillian Company 1937) (in English).

5. Pitkin H F, The Concept of Representation (University of California Press 1967) (in English).

6. Robertson D, The Judge as Political Theorist: Contemporary Constitutional Review (Princeton University Press 2010) (in English).

7. Spyropoulos Ph C, Constitutional Law of Hellas (Kluwer Law International 1995) (in English).

8. Alekseev S, Struktura sovetskogo prava (Jurid lit-ra 1975) (in Russian).

9. Chushenko V, Zaiats I, Konstytutsiine pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk (In Yure 2007) (in Ukrainian). 10. Frytskyi O, Konstytutsiine pravo Ukrainy: pidruchnyk (Iurinkom Inter 2002) (in Ukrainian).

11. Kravchenko V, Konstytutsiine pravo Ukrainy: navchalnyi posibnyk (Atika 2007) (in Ukrainian). 12. Melashchenko V, Osnovy konstytutsiinoho prava Ukrainy: kurs lektsii (Venturi 1995) (in Ukrainian).

13. Shapoval V, Sravnitel’noe konstitucionnoe pravo (Knjaginja Ol’ga 2007) (in Russian).

14. Skrypniuk O, Kurs suchasnoho konstytutsiinoho prava Ukrainy: akademichne vydannia (Pravo 2009) (in Ukrainian).


 Edited books

15. Glaser Henning (ed), Constitutional Jurisprudence: Function, Impact and Challenges (Nomos 2016) (in English).

16. Žalimas D, ‘The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania as the Jurisprudential Constitution’ in Jakubčionis A and others, Lithuanian Constitutionalism: The Past and the Present (Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania 2017) 289 (in English).

17. Dnistrianskyi Stanyslav, Zahalna nauka prava i polityky, t I (Horodyskyi I, Zeman I nauk red, Vydavnytstvo UKU 2019) (in Ukrainian).

18. Hemilton A, ‘Federalist № 78’, Antolohiia liberalizmu: polityko-pravnychi vchennia ta verkhovenstvo prava (Holovatyi S, Koziubra M, Syroid O uporiad, Knyhy dlia biznesu 2008) 465–73 (in Ukrainian).

19. Konstytutsiine pravo Ukrainy (Pohorilko V red, Naukova dumka 2003) (in Ukrainian).

20. Konstytutsiine pravo Ukrainy: prahmatychnyi kurs (Afanasieva M, Yezerov A red, Yurydychna literatura 2017) (in Ukrainian).

21. Konstytutsiine pravo: рidruchnyk (Bakumov O, Hudz T, Marchuk M red, KhNUVS 2019) (in Ukrainian).

22. Kurs konstitucionnogo prava Ukrainy, t 1: Obshhaja chast’: Osnovy teorii konstitucionnogo prava: uchebnik (Bajmuratov M, Batanova A red, Odissej 2008) (in Russian).

23. Sovetskoe gosudarstvennoe pravo (Vyshinskij A red, Jurizdat NKJu SSSR 1938) (in Russian). 24. Sovetskoe gosudarstvennoe pravo (Kravchuk S red, 2-e izd, pererab i dop, Jurid lit 1975) (in Russian).

25. Sovetskoe konstitucionnoe pravo (Rusinova S, Rjanzhin V red, Izd-vo LGU 1975) (in Russian).



26. Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy, t 2: H–Zh (Bilodid I holova redkol, Nauk dumka 1971) (in Ukrainian).


 Journal articles

27. McCauliff C M A, ‘Constitutional Jurisprudence of History and Natural Law: Complementary or Rival Modes of Discourse?’ [1988] 24 (2) California Western Law Review 287 (in English).

28. Chudyk N, ‘Statut terytorialnoi hromady yak dzherelo konstytutsiinoho prava: problemni pytannia teorii’ (2008) 3 Chasopys Kyivskoho universytetu prava 135 (in Ukrainian).

29. Luk’janova E, ‘Istochniki sovetskogo gosudarstvennogo prava v period mezhdu dvumja konstitucijami (1936–1977 gg.)’ (1990) 2 Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo 125 (in Russian).

30. Rechytskyi V, ‘Chy mozhe isnuvaty v Ukraini ofitsiina konstytutsiina doktryna?’ (2017) 3 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 72–80 (in Ukrainian).

31. Savchyn M, ‘Konstytutsiini tsinnosti ta konstytutsiina yurysprudentsiia v Ukraini’ (2010) 1 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho sudu Ukrainy 111–20 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

32. Kuris Egidijus, ‘Constitutional Law as Jurisprudential Law: The Lithuanian Experience’. Report, International Scientific and Practical Conference. “Constitutional Control Bodies in the Integration of Legal Systems: The International Experience and Practice in Tajikistan” < aspx?pdffile=CDL-JU(2010)022-e> (accessed: 11.07.2023) (in English).


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