Article | Problematic Aspects of Approximation of Ukrainian Legislation to European Union Legislation on Air Transport Licensing |
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аспірант кафедри економічного права та економічного судочинства Навчально-наукового інституту права Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (Київ, Україна) ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0001-5421-4299
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 8 / 2023 |
Pages | 124 - 136 |
Annotation | The approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation will contribute to eurointegration and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. One of the directions of this activity is the approximation of the legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of the EUin the field of licensing of air transport services. Despite the importance of this topic, there are currently no detailed thorough studies of certain individual aspects of the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with EU legislation within the limits of these economic relations. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and EU legislation on the economic law regulation of air transport licensing, and outlining of the requirements, the fulfillment of which is necessary for obtaining a license for the provision of air transport services, as well as discovering the ways of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation with the application of achievements of the science of economic law. The article emphasizes that the legislation of Ukraine does not comply with the legislation of the EU regarding the economic law regulation of the definition of specific types of economic activities in the field of air transport services that are subject to licensing, and the requirements that must be fulfilled in order to obtain a license to provide air transport services. Ways for the approximation of the legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of the EU by introducing changes and additions to the legislation of Ukraine are proposed. It was concluded that most of the provisions of the legislation of Ukraine on the aforementioned economic relations do not correspond to the provisions of the EU legislation. In order to approximate the legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of the EU, it is necessary to make changes in legal acts of the national legislation.
Keywords | economic activity; economic law; economic legislation; economic relations; EU legislation; air transport; transportation; licensing |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Klepikova O, Pravova orhanizatsiia transportnoi systemy Ukrainy (Lira-K 2019) (in Ukrainian).
Edited books 2. Koziubra M (ed), Zahalna teoriia prava: pidruchnyk (Vaite 2015) (in Ukrainian).
Theses 3. Yevheniia A, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia litsenzuvannia hospodarskoi diialnosti’ (avtoref dys kand yur nauk, 2019) (in Ukrainian). 4. Shpomer A, ‘Litsenzuvannia hospodarskoi diialnosti (hospodarsko-pravovyi aspekt)’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2006) (in Ukrainian).
Websites 5. ‘Ievrointehratsiia’ (Derzhavna aviatsiina sluzhba Ukrainy) < mizhnarodna-diyalnist/yevrointegratsiya> (accessed: 31.03.2023) (in Ukrainian).
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